Another Ill Wind for Green Energy - Granite Grok

Another Ill Wind for Green Energy

wind farm sunset Image by Markus Distelrath from Pixabay

There’s a Twitter post making the rounds about a windfarm in Mount Pulaski, Illinois. Just North of Decatur and Springfield, the place appears to be all in on wind. But wind power isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, and this post on social media has further darkened its door.

It’s not clean, and it is not recyclable. Windturbines need vast amounts of fossil fuel-based lubricants. Erecting them is a carbon-intensive mess, and the wind doesn’t always blow. And according to this, they’ve got another problem.



Every machine needs maintenance, but one topic we hear little about is the generators built into them that convert the rotation into power. If the tweet is correct, then repairing or replacing them is another carbon-intensive nightmare for those so-called green sentinels chopping bats and birds to bits across the fruited plain.

But another thing occurred to me as I looked at the image in the Tweet. The skillset needed to make any of that happen. The Left has obsessed over cramming every kid through their “higher” learning propaganda mills. Hoards of mushed minds emerge with useless degrees and massive amounts of debt. And it’s a political scheme. Those not already primed to advance the agenda could be made to work for the state in exchange for debt forgiveness.

What, you thought the Feds paying off your student debt wouldn’t come with strings? You imagined that the social credit system they also want wouldn’t put that debt back in your lap if you erred from the approved line one too many times? Nothing is free, and if it comes from the government, they might expect something in return.

But not trade jobs, and that’s the problem.

Who will drive the trucks if your education system focuses on cultivating degreed drones? Where are the people with the skills to get their hands dirty? Who works the crane, turns the wrench, or installs those generators?

It’s a fine thing to talk about a land covered with giant machines to capture the wind, even if they are not all you claim them to be. But if you don’t have the foresight to anticipate maintenance, repair, or outright failure when the things stop working, there will be no one with the skills to fix them.



