Another Example of the Administrative State Agencies Changing Their Mission Outside the Rule of Law - Granite Grok

Another Example of the Administrative State Agencies Changing Their Mission Outside the Rule of Law

USCustomers and Border Protection

Lawful purpose? Lawful mission? Not when the Social Justice Left gets ahold of it!  From my previous post in which I pointed out a couple of examples where the Proper Role of Government is being distorted.

Emphasis mine, reformatted:


…I think your government mostly works as it’s meant to. Agencies are created by legislation, and outside of that, must work within the rule of law.

Like the CDC eviction moratorium that SCOTUS squashed TWICE for NOT following the Rule of Law? Or OSHA’s Jab mandate that was also ruled out of bounds by several levels of the Judiciary?

Or how about schools that have decided to do things that are clearly outside their enumerated authorizing legislation (I know – I’m suing my School Board on several Powers they are claiming they have but can’t / refuse to tell me what State statutes give them the power in this Dillon’s Rule State).

Or one of our “regional planning commissions” that decided it was no longer limited to trying to coordinate the building of roads between towns to becoming a Purchasing Agency (because no one was building any new roads and like all bureaucracies, had to justify its existence)?

So here is another Agency deciding to change its mission statement – with the nuance of putting OTHER things before the Rule of Law:

SHOT (old): Note that we had to go to the Wayback Machine to get it!

Mission Statement
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services administers the nation’s lawful immigration system, safeguarding its integrity and promise by efficiently and fairly adjudicating requests for immigration benefits while protecting Americans, securing the homeland, and honoring our values.

CHASER (new): US Citizenship and Immigration Service

Mission Statement
USCIS upholds America’s promise as a nation of welcome and possibility with fairness, integrity, and respect for all we serve.

Note that the old one specifically mentions the Rule of Law and only does what it is supposed to – “administer the nation’s lawful “. This is a rigid standard –

Biden SJW driven one is all about “fairness” – and NOT spcifically upholding the Law. And from the reports we’ve seen since Biden took office, how does “turning the other way” live up to the standards set by Law?

The former protects we citizens, the latter illegal immigrants that are viewed through lens of “victimhood” (like the Soros money elected District Attorneys who unilaterally decided what laws will be enforced or not and protect criminals more than the actual crime victims) and given a free ride (literally, on buses and planes).

So when Government ignores what it is mandated to do, what do WE do?  How can we NOT end up like Canada that went from free to totalitarian in 3 weeks?  The Legislative Branch ignores the Constitution (as has been done in both the NH House and Senate), and then the Executive Branch ignores the Laws they pass and sign into law?

The UCIS is just another example of a large bureaucracy doing what it wants.  There’s little that we can do about it at our level.

We CAN do something about it here in NH.  Elections are coming up – starting asking candidates for the NH House and Senate about where they stand on the LEGISLATURE making the Law and not just tossing bills over the transom for the Executive Branch to make the “Rules-in-lieu-of-Law” that seem to be the real Law after a rubber stamp by the JLCAR Committee. And remember how NH Gov Chris Sununu, at his first opportunity and aided by his Attorney General, blithely dismissed the NH Constitution and its separation of Powers.

As far as the US CIS is concerned, it doesn’t help that the Socialist Democrats want to eliminate it AND the Border Patrol completely.

