Confession of a Vaccine Skeptic - Granite Grok

Confession of a Vaccine Skeptic

vial syringe this wont help

At the witching hour on Halloween, Libertarian Businessman Wayne Allen Root published a piece at Town Hall, in which he responded with science and facts (how dare he!) to The NY Times regarding the falling efficacy and rising injury count from Covid vaccines.

Thanks to Steve and the team, you’ve read the facts here already, but it’s a good article.

I had all my childhood vaccines, my kids had all their childhood vaccines, I’ve had tetanus boosters and tropical disease inoculations, but I’m not convinced about the Covid vaccines, and I wrote this comment (AKA Disqus Doodling):


Wayne Allen Root
from his website

Always on the money, Mr Root.
I’ve been following this from the beginning, when I thought I’d wait for the vaccine to prove itself before taking it. I’ve also never taken a Flu vaccine on the grounds that they are ineffective and just as likely to make me sick as protect me.As time went by, three things happened:

  • The vaccine was shown to have nasty side effects, closely parallel to the effects of the spike protein on the virus – surprise!
  • The vaccine was shown to be only moderately effective, mostly due to the very narrow immunity (antibodies to just the spike protein), and less effective to variants (for the same reason).
  • The Karens in government got shriller and shriller, demanding that everybody, no matter how young and low risk, MUST be vaccinated.

So – it’s not particularly helpful, it may hurt me or kill me, and the government really badly want to force me to take it: If you wanted to feed the worst conspiracy theories about elites wanting to reduce population, you could not devise a better scenario to scare people away from this experiment, which does not achieve its advertised “objective.”
Add in the insistence on vaccinating kids who are at almost no risk from the Kung Flu, and one could be forgiven for thinking they want to sterilize a good percentage of the upcoming generation.

I did not begin by looking at the vaccine this way, but government’s actions have convinced me of an underlying evil intent.
Count me out.
