DETER is here... Bring on the Dancing Bears - Granite Grok

DETER is here… Bring on the Dancing Bears

Que the music…

Monday yet another piece of unnecessary fluff legislation passed the Senate. The Senate cleared legislation to block individuals who meddle in U.S. elections from being able to enter the United States. The legislation is known as the Defending Elections from Threats by Establishing Redlines Act (DETER Act), passed the Senate by unanimous consent. It sounds important but it doesn’t actually do anything.

The Senate’s legislation ostensibly would block individuals from being able to obtain a visa if they were attempting to or had engaged in improper interference in U.S. elections. That would include violating voting or campaign finance laws or trying to interfere in elections or a campaign while under the direction of a foreign government. This is so ridiculous… so now we are we supposed to wonder: What do these buffoons think proper interference is? Can you say useless waste of time?

Were this legislation already in place in the 2016 nothing that was done would have changed… nothing. This is an opportunity to step to a microphone and lie. Make no mistake about this. That is exactly what happened yesterday. The members of our bipartisan Senate took turns crowing about how they saved the nation. What a load of male bovine excrement.

What’s important…

It is time for Congress to stop the political grandstanding. When are they going to start acting in the best interest of the United States? Congress needs to meet its constitutional responsibilities. They need to do something meaningful like passing a budget. We need to set spending priorities such that we eliminate deficits… today. Social Security is in financial trouble but they aren’t even talking seriously about changes. Nobody in office is considering eliminating the unconstitutional unelected fourth branch they have created and given law making power.

This is the same group of people who cannot fund building the wall on the southern border. They have done nothing about illegal immigration. The group not only allowed the Kavanaugh fiasco; they perpetrated it… guilty until proven innocent. They have done nothing about Sanctuary. As a group they refuse to address election integrity. Please… everybody put your watch hand over your head because it is getting deep… at least maybe you can save your watch.

These people, many who are complicit in the shenanigans surrounding the political spying on the presidential candidates of the opposition party, done under the guise of Russian meddling in our election are now, three years latter going to address this immediate need? Give me a break. Maybe the sixteen years olds they want to add to the voter rolls believe their nattering but nobody over twenty one does. Don’t you wish they would just act like adults?


Congress has done little to prevent future efforts by Russia or anyone else… say the Saudi’s… the Chinese. It has done nothing meaningful to stop the flow of foreign money into our elections. There have been no successful prosecutions in this area. The FBI, CIA, State Department and DoJ appear obviously complicit in the Russia accusations. The FEC is a joke, nothing more or less than a political harassment tool. We have real issues. What we lack are serious legislators in Congress willing to deal with serious issues in the national interest instead of their party’s interest.
