"The Annoying Party" - Nurse Ratchet instead of Nanny Mary Poppins - Granite Grok

“The Annoying Party” – Nurse Ratchet instead of Nanny Mary Poppins

Nurse Ratchet
                          Nurse Ratchet

Yep.  The Democrat Party.  They are the ones with “the Political is Personal; the Personal is Political” and have turned it into the absolute weapon.  NOTHING in life can be made, seen, or discussed outside of their political realms – even eating a hamburger has life and death ramifications.  They haven’t figured out that sometimes eating a hamburger is just eating a hamburger with no other nuance that it tastes good.

Progressives have a problem: They ladle unto every decision, even the most mundane and trifling one, an unattractive glop of gooey political significance. They can’t resist warning the rest of us that we’re abetting the destruction of the planet every time we, say, tuck into a Quarter Pounder.

Josh Barro is a recovering ex-Republican who is now a member of a niche political group: the non-crazy Democrats. He coined a cute phrase — “the hamburger problem” — to describe the relentless politicization of everything by progressives and Democrats. He writes, “Democrats’ problem isn’t that they’re on the wrong side of policy issues [I vehemently disagree  -Skip]. It’s that they’re too ready to bother too many ordinary people about too many of their personal choices, all the way down to the hamburgers they eat.” He cites nonstop Democratic hectoring on, inter alia, the team name of the Washington Redskins, the way men sit on subway trains, and even some Americans’ choice not to abide by China’s one-child standard as the reasons why the party is today as electorally wobbly as Rocky Balboa in the 15th round. Yet the GOP’s success puzzles him still, because so many core Democratic cultural ideals (notably, gay marriage and marijuana decriminalization) poll more and more strongly.

When John Stuart Mill called the British conservatives “the stupidest party,” it stuck. Today the Democrats are the Annoying Party. The Left thinks Americans are picturing Mary Poppins when they talk about the nanny state; in truth, they’re thinking of Nurse Ratched. The prospect of a new set of nuisances being dreamed up and lashingly enforced by Hillary Clinton is what led voters to roll the dice with an Atlantic City grifter.

Just think of the onus they have put on speech – say the wrong thing, or even the right thing in the wrong way, that offends their highly annoying sense of Cultural Marxism / Political Correctness in their identity group / race baiting / multiculturalism, and you can always expect an explosive screaming at.  Or more commonly today, that PLUS revenge seeking SJWs hounding you all over – at your house, on the street, or them trying to take your career scalp (like the latest of the reporter that reported was removed from her job simply for doing her job “Reporter Loses Job after Exposing Chicago Dyke March’s Anti-Semitism“).

Nothing is too big, nothing is too little, for these self-appointed hall monitors to go by.  Their way or NO WAY with them.  After all, if you aren’t with them – DESTROY YOU.  Make your life as miserable as they can even for rather insignificant items or reasons (nope, wrong on that – NOTHING is insignificant and that’s the most of their problem – they are trained and constitutionally set to NOT stay out of every one else’s business).

And if you are too young to “get” Nurse Ratchet, here’s another one:

Dolores Umbridge
                 Dolores Umbridge

(H/T: The Corner via Instapundit)
