Notable Quote - Ammo Grrll (writing on Powerline) - Granite Grok

Notable Quote – Ammo Grrll (writing on Powerline)

Emphasis mine:

The tedious everything-is-racism plank has passed its sell-by date as well. Throw it out.

The civil rights movement eliminated all legal impediments to success decades ago. Untold billions have been spent to fight “poverty.” And what has changed in the inner cities? That’s because none of these BandAids can cover the wound of fatherlessness. Or make up for one terrible life decision after another.

So what the grievance peddlers are left with is a wholesale attack on “whiteness” itself. This might work with a few intimidated college students and guilty liberals, but it is not going to be a winning strategy for the vast majority of white people who will say:

You want success? Here’s the secret to our white “privilege”: Do what we did — stay in school, work for fifty years, don’t do or sell drugs, don’t commit crime, don’t have babies you have no ability to support, and get married. Speaking on behalf of all white people – since virtually every angry black person feels qualified to speak on behalf of all black people — unless you do those simple, “common-sense” things, we are really no longer interested in anything you have to say. The black people who HAVE done these things are doing fine.

Ammo Grrrll (comedianne, writer, speaker) on the stupidness of “whiteness” / “white privilege” and it use by precious snowflakes and Cultural Marxist to shut down debate and invoke “white Guilt” by controlling our language.

She gives them about us much credence as I do (which is to say, none at all).  Progressives are all about erasing history and traditions to put Society on a roiling sea in order to “offer and promise” peace, security, and prosperity.  Problem is, every time they’ve done this, the populations have received the “sacred gift of Socialism” have pretty much turned into third world hellholes – see North Korea and Venezuela as two prime examples.

No, do not pay attention to what actually works because doing so would eliminate the devisiveness that the race-baiters and the Left depend upon.  You see, without class warfare, there isn’t a Left.
