Media Bias - has it ever been more clear than now? - Granite Grok

Media Bias – has it ever been more clear than now?

honest-journalism-is-deatI’ve put up lots of polls of which Party most journalist support (the Democrats).  Same thing on which candidate and Party to which they give their political donations.  Democrats and the Democrat Party, plain and simple.  And now, the consumers of their product(s) believe the message they’ve been sending (emphasis mine, reformatted):

Two national polls released late in the week confirmed the public widely recognizes the news media’s agenda in favor of Hillary Clinton and decidedly against Donald Trump, a reality documented in a NewsBusters study earlier in the week. “By nearly 10-1, all those surveyed say the news media, including major newspapers and TV stations, would like to see Clinton rather than Trump elected,” Susan Page and Karina Shedrofsky reported deep into a Thursday USA Today story on the latest USA Today/Suffolk University poll on the Clinton-Trump race.

The October 27 article elaborated on how even a solid majority of Clinton supporters also realize journalists want Clinton to win: “That includes 82% of Trump supporters and 74% of Clinton supporters. Six in 10 Trump supporters say the news media is coordinating stories with individual campaigns, rather than acting on its own accord. Three in 10 of Clinton supporters feel that way.”

The specifics of the 10-1, 75 to 8 percent, per the PDF of the poll posted by Suffolk University:

usatoday-suffolj-pol-q35And as we have seen from from the Podesta emails from Wikileaks, there are a lot of journalists that are fanboys (and girls) that actually have been conspiring with the Clinton campaign on stories, nuances, and timing.  With the exception of the old JournoList, when has it ever been more blatant?

There’s a reason why the phrase “Democrats with bylines” exists and is getting more and more traction.  And now, at least at Trump rallies, the public is turning against them vocally and the press is now going the Lefty excuse – “We’re VICTIMS” (they never admit they’ve brought us upon themselves):

Triggered: Journalist Snowflakes Scared Trump Supporters Are ‘Turning on the Media’

Triggered journalists from across the nation are bemoaning the treatment members of the press are receiving at Trump campaign rallies from the Trump supporters the media routinely misrepresents as ignorant racists, fascist Nazis, or disenchanted working whites. With increasing regularity, these journalist snowflakes are “reporting” their victimization at the hands Trump supporters who chant mean things like, “CNN sucks” and call them names like “presstitutes.”

Get used to it, SJWs – you’ve been obviously hating on half of the US population and now the favor is being returned. And the media is NOT used to having the tables turned on them – while they should hold ALL accountable for the who, what, when, where, and whys, they are showing that they can’t take the same treatment.  Well, when you’ve proven that you’re in thrall with only one side of the political aisle (and the advent of the Blogosphere and citizen journalism):

For members of the media elite, the occasional taunts and jeers signal a dangerous threat to the free press. During an interview with Kellyanne Conway on Tuesday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer breathlessly asked Trump’s campaign manager to ask Trump to stop calling out the press at his rallies because he is scared “there could be an ugly incident” between Trump supporters and the “hardworking young journalists” who cover his rallies.

A quick review of media stories over the last two weeks reveals more than a dozen articles in major publications with the same “journalists victimized by Trump supporters at rallies” narrative. Trump supporters endure long waits, messy parking, and often obstructed view seating to rally for their candidate. The press, on the other hand, is given their own entrance, sectioned off seating, and protection from event security and the Secret Service.

After an exhaustive search, this Breitbart reporter could find exactly zero incidences of members of the media being physically attacked or assaulted at Trump rallies. None of this has stopped the misleading characterization of Trump supporters creating a “menacing” and “dangerous” environment for these special snowflakes.

If they are “young” journalists, they are most likely just out of the Collectivist College Covens that have the idea that they are just SO special and that they are “above the masses” in that they are to shape the news and not actually just report it.  They just can’t seem to understand that many of us on the Right truly believe they think their crap don’t stink – and are telling them exactly that.  I’ve been in the press pits and on the camera risers at rallies and other political events.  They thought “ewwww, one of those bloggers!” and kept talking amongst themselves.

Well, bloggers may still be the low man on the totem pole but we do have ears.  And often, we watch a whole lot more and better.  Frankly, the folks at the Trump rallies have good reason to finally stand up and give as good as they been getting for years.  These journalists have an EXTREMELY low, cruel, and vile outlook at the Trump supports in specific and Conservatives and Libertarians in the general.  They just don’t understand that they’ve been waving the green flag for years – and they’re surprised that “the folks” have finally taken the hint?

Poor little precious snowflakes – if you can’t stand the heat….
