To Win at Any Cost - Granite Grok

To Win at Any Cost

Congratulations to Ted Cruz for the win in Iowa.  I want to quickly remind voters that the previous winners in Iowa were losers in the end.  But good job, Ted.

Ted Cruz

Do you think the Cruz campaign letters to Iowa voters which practiced voter shaming and violated people’s privacy might have helped?  Or did the lies spread at the Iowa caucus by Cruz campaign operatives about Dr. Carson dropping out of the presidential race play a factor?  Do you think the non-disclosed “loan” from Mrs. Cruz’s employers—Goldman Sachs–helped put Cruz in the top seat at all?

I recently heard someone voicing a concern about Donald Trump’s “need to win at any cost”.  Odd that it is Donald Trump, who has never claimed to be a conservative, (just an unabashed American), is self-funding his campaign.  Odd that the only emails I receive from Ted Cruz’s campaign are ridiculous ploys for donations, yet Donald Trump’s emails only offer free invites to his events and have never once ask for cash.  Odd that it is Donald Trump who is accused of using a too-brash communication style, yet he takes the high road and humbly congratulates Ted Cruz on his win in Iowa.  Odd that it is Ted Cruz’s big story on Wednesday morning (after winning Iowa!) that he had to issue a rambling, circuitous, and legal-eze “apology” to Dr. Carson.  Odd that it is the banner-waving “conservative” of the race, Ted Cruz, that is doing all of the desperate, underhanded, and might I add—the same old tired GOPe– strategies to win at any cost.

People better wake up.

Ted Cruz is showing us that he is the candidate that is trying so hard to win at any cost—with threats, lies, and campaign dollars from hidden supporters.   But vote for Ted, because he is the outsider, and he bucks the status quo!!

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