Bad thought for the day - Tyranny - Granite Grok

Bad thought for the day – Tyranny

Jefferson on Tyranny“Imagine being awakened in the middle of the night by a gang of police, shouting and waving their weapons at you. They turn your house inside-out, steal your laptop and phone, then order you not to tell anyone they were there. All this happened because your political beliefs landed on the wrong side of those officials in power. This is not a scenario from China, Russia, or Iran. Welcome to the very real tyranny of modern America.”

(H/T: Instapundit, who adds:

Just ask a lot of folks in Wisconsin.

This would be the Scott Walker supporters and his Administration staff members that were subjected to “John Doe” investigations by a highly partisan Democrat Attorney General whose thoughtline that was that politics is warfare by any means.   Homes were invaded and personal belongings were taken by no-knock police raids at night and subsequent gag orders issued which ruined some careers simply by implication of guilt.  That is, to create the appearance of guilt when none was found by the judge. I think that was the point – simply to create that bad illusion simply because other people disagreed with his political philosophy.

Modern Tyranny: It is not merely sufficient to disagree with others that differ from your line of thought and worldview; Democrats and the hard Left’s actions show they demand obedience or you will be crushed.  Disagree?  Be destroyed.  Doubt me?  I’ve seen it play out here on GraniteGrok.  Just look at what the Gaystapo has been doing to small Christian business owners lately.

Glenn adds:

But my advice: Punch back twice as hard. Because these putzes are just as lousy at tyranny as they are at everything else.

Don’t lay down.  Remember – we have more and bigger guns.
