GrokTALK! April 18th 2015 – The Videos


Well, no Pre-Show this week as the livestreaming software decided to be quite contrary and refused to start a few times.  But, a good show with Max Abramson, Jorge Mesa-Tejada, Carly Fiorina, Pete Ingemi, and Kevin Bloom all giving up a part of their Saturday morning to be with us – and you!

  • Segment 1a – NH State Rep Max Abramson – an update on his court case in Rockingham County.
  • Segment 1b – Jorge Mesa-Tejada came on for his next installment of Educational Update.  This week, he talks about the What and Why of NH’s S.A.U.s
  • Segment 2a – Former HP CEO (and possible Republican Presidential Candidate) Carly Fiorina comes on to talk about bureaucracy bloat, returning to Congressional responsibilities, Tax code, Common Core, and Customer service.
  • Segment 2b – NH State Rep Max Abramson – Judiciary Update
  • Segment 3a – Pete Ingemi (“DaTechGuy”) comes on for a quick report from the NH GOP First in the Nation Leadership event
  • Segment 3b – NH State Rep Max Abramson continues with his Update, “Jasperism Retribution” (by the Democrat appointed NH Speaker of the House Shawn Jasper), and Roll calls in the House.
  • Segment 4a – Frequent contributor Kevin Bloom comes on to give us an update on SB30 – a NH piece of legislation where Big Government joins up with Crony Capitalism at The Balsams.  Taxpayers will be on the hook for failure while the Crony will laugh his way away if things go south financially.
  • Segment 4b – and more with NH State Rep Max Abramson

Segment 1:

Segment 1b:

Segment 2a:

Segment 2b:

Segment 3a:

Segment 3b:

Segment 4a:

Segment 4b:


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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