Bogus pistol license poll used by Democrats mocks their constituents - Granite Grok

Bogus pistol license poll used by Democrats mocks their constituents

hirschYesterday Senate Bill 116 aka ‘Constitutional Carry’ was passed in the New Hampshire House by a vote of 212-150. Even though this bill was passed by both the Senate and house, Governor Hassan said she will vote against the will of the people and veto it. In her statement she states “citizens across New Hampshire, have strong public safety concerns about allowing people to carry concealed guns without a license.” Which leads one to believe she has read a bogus poll that recently came out.

The poll was released on April 21 by a well-known left-leaning pollster, Public Policy Polling. They are a private polling organization that only conduct polls for Democrats. Their latest poll claims that 71% of Granite Staters are against repealing the pistol license requirements. The poll was conducted of only 747 residents via phone and the internet and does not include the areas or regions where those polled reside.

The problem with not including the regional data is that you will get completely different responses from people in say Portsmouth than you will in Laconia. You will get a different response from those in Nashua than you will in Lancaster. To actually get a good sampling of the entire population, a pollster needs to include the percentage of people who make up New Hampshire across the state. UNH surveys do this when they poll for WMUR and they report on the regional results.

Another issue with this poll is the question. They simply ask “Do you support or oppose allowing people to carry a concealed gun without a license?” That’s it. They don’t explain that it will be a choice or why the law is even being questioned due to discrimination or that only those legally able to purchase and possess a firearm will be able to carry concealed without applying for a pistol license. They also don’t bother to explain that people who are legally able to purchase and possess a firearm can already open carry without asking permission.

It’s interesting because they ask two other questions in the same poll that are very detailed questions. One regarding a college degree and the other about special interests. Mind you these are push-poll questions (meaning they want to push for a specific answer) but if they are going to give some background on these two questions, why didn’t they on the pistol license question? Because it’s a Democrat poll.

Now here are the two questions they decided to go into detail about:

Obtaining a college degree opens up doors of opportunity and better financial security. But the soaring cost of college tuition puts college out of reach for some, and costly college loan rates are too burdensome for most. America should invest in our generation to help us reach our potential. We must make college affordable, expand student aid, and roll back the cost of student loans so we have the opportunity to get good jobs, support our families, buy homes and re-build our economy. Would you be more or less likely to vote for someone who supports college affordability and student loan reform, or would it not make a difference?

The big special interests, the super-rich, and the big polluters get their special tax loopholes and breaks for sending American jobs overseas. They oppose raising the minimum wage by $2 an hour, oppose equal pay for women, and oppose making college more affordable. We believe that the rich and big corporations should pay their fair share, and believe workers should be paid enough to support their families. Would you be more or less likely to vote for someone who stands up for working class people and holding big corporate interests accountable, or would it not make a difference?

Just as they were push-polling in the other questions, they knew by not explaining the issue revolving around the pistol license they would get the answer they were seeking. Had they explained the pistol license question in detail as they had the other two, the responses would have been likely much different.

This poll is bogus and shouldn’t be used as any type of representation of the true opinion of Granite Staters. Unfortunately Representative Hirsch in his testimony embarrassed himself by using this poll. It’s clear that Hirsch would rather go by what a biased poll says than what his constituents believe. Hirsch would rather vote on something extremely important to his constituents based on what some out-of-state pollsters tell him than how his own constituents want him to vote. That is not representation.

This is not how representatives are supposed to represent the people nor is this how Governor Hassan should make her decision about vetoing this bill. These people work for those who live in New Hampshire, not a pollster in North Carolina or a billionaire gun control extremist in New York. Using this poll to make any claims about the feelings towards Constitutional Carry is egregious. The people who use this poll to make any claims about SB 116 are making a mockery of the political system while mocking their own constituents.

The New Hampshire Democrat Party is also pushing this poll. It wouldn’t be a surprise to find out if they are the ones who paid for it. Clearly Democrats don’t want a true representation of what Granite Staters believe about the pistol licensing laws. Representatives from across the state have already said that the emails and phone calls they received in support of the bill outnumbered those who were against it. That is more of a true representation than a poll done for Democrats who are gun control extremists and want to create a fake cover for Governor Hassan so she can veto a bill that the people of her state want passed.

This is another example of how Democrats simply believe they are the rulers over the people rather than the representatives of the people.

Watch the video of Hirsch here:

