Moderate Republican South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) mantra, believes Republicans will be blamed if the Department of Homeland Security is not funded over objections to President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty…On This Week, Graham called for Congress to pass an unencumbered Homeland Security bill so Republicans do not get blamed for the department’s shutdown…“I hope my House colleagues will understand that our best bet is to challenge this in court, that if we don’t fund the Department of Homeland Security, we’ll get blamed as a party,” Graham said.
Er, no. You know what it WILL be blamed for? The Conservative base will finally show its disgust for you chuckleheads not living up to campaign promises – again. All we heard was “Stop Obama! We’ll Stop Obama!”. The worst was the overall thrust “you MUST elect us – we are your last hope!” and now we see the utter collapse of what ever political courage they had. We’ve listed for years of “Give us the House!” and so we did. Then we started to realize they weren’t serious: “Oh, we’re only 1/2 of 3 parts of Government”; true, but it disavowed their campaign wailings. And then it turned into “Oh Wait! All we need is the Senate!” and thus, we did – the base gave them a majority. Vim and Vinegar, we assumed and anticipated. No more Harry Reid to gum up the works, we were told. Now?
Yeah – zippo, nada, nothing. So much for “The Big Stop” for Obama’s post-Constitutional actions and stopping his breach of the separation of powers. They have ONE real job – protect the Constitution. They have TWO big tools with which to rein in a lawless Presidency. Or rather, they HAD two recourses – and they have thrown them away. Impeachment they threw away a long time ago. If the President is doing as wrong as you all whine about, man up, we said. Instead, they waved the white flag.
“We’ll be blamed”. Obama smiled (RULE 1: “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”). They’ve wilted just BELIEVING Obama has more power than he has. It also shows a lack of believe in their base (which is rather interesting, because all majorities aside, we really don’t believe in them either – that’s what happens when you break your promises).
The other tool is the Power of the Purse – the ability to withhold appropriations for the policies they have told us are extra-Constitutional (and compounded as an abrogation of their own powers that they have given to the Executive branch via “the Secretary shall decide”). They told us they’d use it. Just wait, we heard.
And in the current case of Playing Chicken, Majority Leader McConnell has just blinked. Most likely urged on by the likes of Lindsey “Stop making waves!” Graham. Hands up – don’t shoot. Hands up, we give up”. Now the news is that McConnell is going to fully fund DHS – the place where Obama’s Executive Amnesty is going to take place.
Wimp out – Oh, they’ll create a new bill to defund the parts and stop him that way. We’ll embarrass the Dems in taking a vote! Yeah, that’s the ticket.
No Lindsey, you won’t be blamed defunding DHS. We all know that the DHS employees that are considered to be essential will still go to work. And you lost NOTHING for the partial shutdown – the Rs actually GAINED seats afterwards. It shows that politicos live in the moment and the scaredy future but not the honest lessons of the past.
Obama is smiling (“RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.“”)
Yes Lindsey, you will be blamed – for surrendering. For giving up. And that will blow back on you as we in the base will remember this – and blame you if run for President. For when it really counted, to carry out your oaths to protect the Constitution, you failed.
So why would we vote for a loser?