(paraphrased from Dire Straits: “…money for nothing and chicks for free”.)
It's almost impossible for an undocumented woman in South Texas to get an abortion: http://t.co/CJiMiY4UaE pic.twitter.com/TXmleFXk4c
— Fusion News (@FusionNews) October 9, 2014
‘Grok friend Warner Todd Huston relays the story that Spanish speaking Fusion News isn’t too happy that it is harder for illegal aliens to illegally cross over our border to get to an abortion mill to kill their unborn babies – at someone else’s expense. Going over to the link, the title of the Fusion piece says it all:
For undocumented immigrants, it’s nearly impossible to get an abortion in South Texas
…If you’re undocumented, it’s now almost impossible thanks to a wall of roving border patrol checkpoints that stand between you and the remaining abortion clinics.
Well, golly, who said that an illegal has the right to just stroll on into our country – just on the say so of Fusion? If you want to come here, go do the work and fill in the paper work and do it legally. Simple – just follow the rules. Oh? That’s the point – Fusion doesn’t think that they should have to? And the Democrats here in NH think that the Free Staters are “every one for themselves” (which is wrong but they keep using it to demonize people that just want to Be Left Alone by government) – they’ve got nuthin’ on Fusion. It continues:
For undocumented women in the region, crossing an inland border patrol checkpoint to get an abortion means risking deportation. Two years ago, 41 abortion clinics operated in Texas, including four which were accessible without crossing an inland checkpoint. But after restrictions passed by a Republican-led legislature were enacted, only eight clinics remain in the whole state and none fall below the wall of checkpoints.
Oh, poor babies – well golly, crossing illegally shouldn’t have any negative consequence (but the real babies will – a final one). Ya know, maybe, just maybe, they ought not cross the border in the first place if that is what is their main worry, eh? And of course, like a good liberal media outlet, the idea of having a safe place to have that procedure (it IS a major medical procedure – and again, a final one for the baby) is of no consequence? Have they forgotten the conditions that baby-killer Gosnell (and more than a couple of mothers, may I remind you) kept in Philly? I thought abortion lovers were against the back ally abortions – so why are they so up in arms that clean medical facilities were to be regulated to be at the high standards of other clinics and hospitals to keep these women safe?
Oh yeah – the less regulation on killing those womens’ babies, the better (or so it seems). The Libs kvetch over those of us who value our Second Amendment Rights, yelling that we’d turn the streets red with blood with all the people we’d enthusiastically go out and kill all the time. They don’t get the irony of how many lives they enable to be taken – a different kind of streets of blood but one they enthusiastically embrace. One doesn’t exist – the other truly does.
There’s that old saw “Pick two: quick, good, or cheap and call me in the morning”. The abortion mavens had a similar one: “safe, legal and rare” – this Fusion posts shows the reality that safety doesn’t matter, your legality doesn’t matter, and instead of being rare, is actively advocating for more. It’s all about not giving an inch on the “right” to kill one’s baby.
I went to see what others had tweeted back – rather unsympathetic to the open border network expressing dismay that lawbreakers were going to have a hard time getting free abortions. Me too. Why is it that everyone expects the American taxpayer to pay for everyone else’s wants? And why is Fusion saying that the American taxpayer should be willing to help kill Mexican babies (while being anti- our Second Amendment, never taking Obama to task for his Fast & Furious operation)?