Mr. Boutin just because you think you’re a big shot…doesn’t give you a right to push me or anyone around… - Granite Grok

Mr. Boutin just because you think you’re a big shot…doesn’t give you a right to push me or anyone around…

…wrote one of the gentlemen who captured a drunk and belligerent David Boutin on video December 6, 2012.  Union Leader, August 13, 2014:

Boutin said he has no idea who might be behind the recent videos, but said it might be people who don’t want to see him reelected to the state Senate and are trying to discourage him.”

Seems this may not be true.   Turns out, on December 7, 2012, the day after Boutin’s video performance, two separate people called the gentleman in what are described as attempts to intervene on Boutin’s behalf.  One blamed Boutin’s performance on his “sugar”, which we can only presume is a reference to some form of diabetes (we have no knowledge of Boutin suffering from it but are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt);  the second pleaded  for him not to harm Boutin’s “good name and reputation” (we are paraphrasing here).  In fact, the gentleman had written this earlier:

You had no right attacking me. I’m not looking for anything from you other than a formal apology. I can send those videos in private to your cell phone if you like but there too large to e-mail. You tell me.

“I got into a disagreement with two men who were bothering a woman…Boutin said.” – Source: Union Leader, August 13, 2014.  This may not be true either.  After taking down the videos out of kindness, in a second email, the gentleman wrote:

The lady who set next to me brought up politics RE: Romney taking away woman rights such as abortions.  I ask her if she fully understood the term abortion. … XXXXX  was part of the conversation that we were having when you from across the bar started yelling at me accusing me of picking on woman, hating woman, fighting with woman etc. “

“I would add one other point about the video tape resulting from that incident,” Boutin said. “They may have improperly and illegally taped our conversation.” – Source: Union Leader, August 13, 2014.  Actually, I doubt it – I am no lawyer but NH State Senator David Boutin is a public figure and was in a public space and publicly berating private individuals.  Boutin also said he didn’t know if he was drunk – the only thing I see here that would be “improper” is that this public figure inserted himself into a private conversation in an unsolicited manner.  Translation: like many politicians, he couldn’t keep his nose out of other peoples’ business.  The gentleman continued:

…A few things you might want to know:   After XXXXXX  brought you home (even though you gave him a hard time demand he turn around so you could continue attacking) several of the people who sat next to you, one who is an officer of 30 years approached me to shake my hand for handling with a more level head and by using a camera instead of a punch to the face.  Some called you a jerk others said they were glad that I stood my ground  I realize now that they are afraid of you because of the position  you hold in our state….You were behaving like a bully because you’re used to getting your way with it.

This is what happens when public officials decided that they ARE better then those that have elected them – and decide they are the Public Masters instead of the public servants.  NH State Senator David Boutin shows the perfect example of a public servant that has forgotten the most important attribute: humility.

No apology ever came (except for those he gave to media in his lame “apology tour” to take the heat off himself.  It was never about the apology to those he had wronged – it was merely about keeping his sorry ass in the NH State Senate.  And was NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn on patrol in defending the NH GOP Brand while all this was going on?  Two guesses and the first one doesn’t count…

And that is why GraniteGrok endorsed Jane Cormier in the NH State Senate District 16 Primary.  And now you have the rest of the story…
