November is coming and September is coming even faster and for we of the activist community, the election campaigns are now starting to transfer from second to third gear (even though for some, the campaign season is already getting long). Jim Rubens is one of the three of the four willing to converse with us and sometimes, battle with us (with Karen Testerman and former US Senator Bob Smith being the other two; Scott Brown being the only one who seems to be unwilling (er, runs away?) to even talk with us. Look, we have differences with them ALL (some minor, some major) – but to not want to engage at all? Look, we’re just ordinary schlubs – what is he scared of?
Anyways, props to Jim for entering the “Grok Pit” and risking getting bit – and he did get nibbled a bit (watch and see) but it shows he’s not willing to play it safe:
Also, prolific and erudite GraniteGrok commenter Radical Moderate (or as we call him, Rad Mod) calls in as well (YES! We do take callers!):
Previous videos:
- Pre-Show
- Segment 1 – Groksters musing about the News of the Day and Week
- Segment 2 – Kevin Bloom returns to GrokTALK! to update us on some of the legislation from the State house
- Full audio by Steve here.