You just can't make this up - Obama decries job slashing due to Obamacare Mandates - then the Feds do the same thing - Granite Grok

You just can’t make this up – Obama decries job slashing due to Obamacare Mandates – then the Feds do the same thing

“The question we ask today is not whether our government is too big or too small, but whether it works — whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage, care they can afford, a retirement that is dignified.”

– President Barack Obama, Inauguration, 1/20/09

Obamacare -Year of the SnakeSychophants of Obama and apologists for Obamacare came out of the gate swinging hard when companies started to announce that they were not hiring new people, especially if they were near the 50 person limit that would trigger the Obamacare Mandate fine (and dropping people if close).  They went ballistic as companies also started to slash the hours of their workers.  Again, the Obamacare Mandate was that all full time employees must be furnished with “affordable” health insurance or be fined – and then promptly redefined what a full time worker was (from 35-40 hours down to 30).  The Progressives went nuts as they realized that the Obama Administration was making us a nation of part time workers that had to work two jobs – and that people actually were reacting to the letter of the law?

Heaven on earth – Progressives thought that full benefits would accrue to folks that used to be part-timers but whom they just made “full time”; they certainly won’t own up that for millions of people, that Progressive Heaven on Earth they always promise, just as with the Socialists “Workers Paradise”, is becoming a literal Hell on Earth (thank you, Democrats, for nary a Republican voted for this chains inducing act.  “whether it helps families find jobs at a decent wage” – er, no, it isn’t.

That’s why this is so funny and so bad at the same time.  Think of the irony of this – the folks that Obama is going to hire to help us sign up for Obamacare will not be eligible for Obamacare themselves – let’s all give a “Huzzah!” for Big Government realizing that their own law is screwing over their own employees (emphasis mine):

In order to ensure Americans understand how to access the benefits available to them when many provisions of the Affordable Care Act go online October 1, the Obama administration announced last month that it is setting up a call center that will be accessible to Americans 24 hours a day.

One branch of that call center will be located in California’s Contra Costa County, where, reportedly, 7,000 people applied for the 204 jobs. According to the Contra Costa Times, however, “about half the jobs are part-time, with no health benefits — a stinging disappointment to workers and local politicians who believed the positions would be full-time.” The county supervisor, Karen Mitchoff, called the hiring process “a comedy of errors” and said she “never dreamed [the jobs] would be part-time.”

Obama should be so proud of himself – his legacy legislation is and will making beggars of us all.  This is the White House all over again – even as Obama rails that women should receive equal pay compared to men, he pays the females in his employ significantly less than those of the males?

Once again, Obama not only can’t keep his stories straight – but proves that he doesn’t even care.

(H/T: The Corner)
