GrokTV Special: Mark Steyn on Economic Armageddon - Granite Grok

GrokTV Special: Mark Steyn on Economic Armageddon

Steyn’s new book, After America

On August 17th, Groksters Mike and Columbus were lucky enough to hear Mark Steyn talk about his new book at the NH IOP at St Anselm College. Not only was the speech both fascinating and funny, but Steyn was very gracious with his time, signing books, taking questions, and even allowing Grokster Mike to conduct a short interview.

The theme of the book is how quickly we could find ourselves in a post America world, where peace and security are diminished for all nations, especially the USA. How is that possible, you say? Easy – all we have to do is keep letting the ruling class in DC spend us over a cliff….

A is for Addiction – We spend too much, borrowing like there’s no tomorrow, which may very well be the case if we don’t stop!

R is for Redistribution – Of wealth from the producers to the non-producers and bureaucrats.

M is for Monopoly – Of bad and outmoded ideas – instead of a country ruled by "We the People", we now have an entrenched Ruling Class which ‘knows better’ than us.

A is for Arteriosclerosis – Yes we can? No we can’t! By comparison with even the recent past, America is seizing up.

G is for Global Retreat – As government grows at home, reach and influence abroad shrinks – the world will become more dangerous.

E is for Engineering – The social engineering in our schools borders on child abuse, and diverts too many into unproductive pursuits, reducing our competitiveness.

D is for Decay Mired in dependency and decline, much of the USA will be on a fast track to the living standards of the third world, and even the elites will eventually be unable to dodge the consequences.

D is for Disintegration – We are becoming the singular United State of America. Can hyper-regulatory rule from the center work for 350M people, or will incompatible groups and jurisdictions decide that, without the American idea, there is no glue to hold the United States together?

O is for Open Season – Hard to imagine a world without America? Not for the Chinese, the Russians, and the purveyors of the New Caliphate. As the rich passive nations are defenseless and failed states are arming themselves, the next step is….

N is for Nukes Away!  Addiction, Redistribution, Monopoly, Arteriosclerosis, Global retreat, social Engineering, Decay, Disintegration, Open Season, Nukes away – put them all together, and you have ARMAGEDDON!

And now, on with the show – here is the guy with the funny, sort of English, accent, interviewing the really funny guy with the British/Canadian accent:
