The Three Legs of the New Hampshire Republican Alliance - Granite Grok

The Three Legs of the New Hampshire Republican Alliance

As I have said before, the NH GOP is pointing the way for all Republican Parties in all the states to form an alliance that will produce tsunami-like electoral triumphs such as that just experienced in New Hampshire.

The "New Republican Alliance" consists, broadly, of three groups, as follow….

1. First, the "TRADITIONAL REPUBLICANS," or the "Old Guard." These wonderful people have been laboring away for many years on behalf of the Republican Party, and have kept it alive during dark days when precious little else was. They are the historical "heart" of the Republican Party, not only in New Hampshire, but nationwide. This group could also be referred to as "heartland Republicans." They are the "foundation" of our party, and have been its foundation for many years. Today they make up about 40% of the newly expanded party. They have worked and fought for all the Republican candidates in past elections, and deserve the heartfelt thanks of all of us.

2. Second is a newly resurgent group that I call "LIBERTY-FREEDOM REPUBLICANS." This group consists of several sub-groups, including free marketeers, "classical liberals," libertarians, devotees of Austrian economics, and others. They are very aggressive, and have no problem confronting and defeating Democrats, so-called "progressives," statists, socialists, and their fellow-travelers on philosophical or political grounds. The patron Republican political saints of this group are leaders such as Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, Ron Paul of Texas, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and others. They make up about 30% of the New Republican Alliance.

 3. Third are the newcomers to Republican political activistm, the TEA PARTIERS. This new group has flooded into the GOP in response to the damages and depredations committed by Democrat majorities in Washington, DC and in every state where "business-as-usual" politicians have held sway. There are many sub-groups that make up this leg of the Republican alliance, including members of Tea Party groups across the country and in New Hampshire, Constitutionalists, 9/12ers, anti-tax activists, Fair Tax activists, and others. This group has immensely enriched the ranks of the Republican Party, just as other incoming groups attracted to Republican ideas in the past have done the same (such as the Goldwaterites in the 1960’s, the evangelical Christians in the 1970’s, and the Reagan Democrats in the 1980’s). This group makes up about another 30% of the three-legged alliance.

There are other identifiable groups that are part of the broader GOP Alliance, but they are sprinkled amongst two or more of the "legs" described above. One is the social conservatives, sometimes referred to as "Evangelicals," or "the religious right"; they can be found among the traditional conservatives as well as the Tea Party groups. There is also the anti-abortion movement; they are present in all three legs of the Alliance ("libertarians for life," for instance among the Liberty-and-Freedom group). In addition, there are what might be called "Movement Conservatives." These people have been strong Republicans for generationa. They tend to read William F. Buckley’s books and National Review magazine as well as Human Events; they know their Russell Kirk, their Frank Meyer, and their Whittaker Chambers, along with other early conservative activists who built the American conservative movement starting in the 1950’s. They are found among both the traditional Republicans and the liberty-and-freedom Republicans. Rep. Paul Mirski, arguably the founder of the modern conservative movement in New Hampshire in the 1990’s, is one; and so is NH GOP national committeewoman, Phyllis Woods.

Thus, I do not ascribe a "leg" of the GOP Alliance to the social conservatives, the anti-abortion movement, or the movement conservatives. Each is important in its own right, but easy is also spread among two or more of the three legs of the Republican "table" today. But they are there, and they are important.

Here, perhaps, is the most important thing of all: NO SINGLE GROUP IN THE THREE-LEGGED REPUBLICAN ALLIANCE SHOULD SPEAK ILL OF ANY OTHER LEG. There are various disagreements among them, to be sure, but those disagreements pale in the face of the common and dangerous enemy being confronted, i.e. a now openly socialist Democrat Party. "We can get along," and "we must all hang together, or we will hang apart." My words echo those of President Ronald Reagan’s  famous "11th Commandment" that "no Republican should speak ill of another Republican."

HOWEVER…on the other hand there are people who pretend to be Republicans—popularly known as "RINO’s"—who aren’t "really" Republicans, and who tend to vote more with Democrats and their socialist fellow-travelers than with the GOP. These people harm the party, harm our image, and harm our "political brand." They need to be defeated in the primaries by real Republicans…and that is indeed the trend, in New Hampshire and elsewhere. The old 80/20 rule seems to be workable—someone who supports the Republican Party platform in NH at least 80% of the time should be supported by all of us. Records of support for the NH GOP party platform can be checked on the House Republican Alliance Report Cards for the NH State House each year. 

So, there we have it. A workable grouping of Republican belief-groups, each with their own specific areas of political emphasis, but all capable of working together for the common good and cause of saving our state and out country by electing real Republicans. This is why the mainstream media talked about a "Tea Party takeover" of the NH GOP. Their intent was to try to cause fracturing and dissension among the groups that make up our alliance. Happily, the mainsteam media lapdogs of the Democrats have been ignored. For it is a lie: There is no "takeover" of the New Hampshire Republican Party. The new generation of leadership exemplified by Speaker of the House Bill O’Brien, House Majority Leader DJ Bettencourt, and GOP State Chairman Jack Kimball is simply the next "political generation" of leadership taking its rightful turn as part of the leadership of the New Hampshire Republican Party. All of our leaders—new and old—are supported by all good Republicans…and none should speak ill of any of the other "legs" or groups in the alliance.

Why? Because if one leg is taken out from under a three-legged stool, it cannot stand. But if the three legs stay solid and unified, working together to uphold Republican ideals, the future of New Hampshire—and in turn America—will be bright indeed.
