President Obama? There are lies of commission and untruths of omission - yours was the latter - Granite Grok

President Obama? There are lies of commission and untruths of omission – yours was the latter

Of COURSE, like all good Leftists (just like NH CD-2 CongressCritter wannabe Ann McLane Kuster), President Obama tried last night to insinuate that much of the deficits in the recent past can be blamed on that irresponsible Iraq War (you know, the one he was against before he tried to take credit for?).

Problem?  T’aint true:

Iraq Deficits

Estimated overall costs were $700 Billion for the wars.  Problem for the Obamessiah and his spin crew is that his first year Presidency blew past that in a heartbeat.  Then did it again this year.

How stupid do they think people really are?  I keep hearing "but what about Bush and his deficits?".  True, he ran them and I was against those as well other than for those dedicated to his first Constitutional duty – to keep Americans safe.

Obama has made no such excuse – nor can he as his are strictly his modus operandi of fundamentally transforming America….well, saddling our grandkids with massive debt will certainly do that…

(H/T: The Corner)
