Here's a short video to watch - EPA, are you listening? - Granite Grok

Here’s a short video to watch – EPA, are you listening?

I had this post a bit ago concerning the announcement that the US Environmental Protection Agency had been tasked with getting Americans to enjoy the joys of all the regulations flowing from government.  NetRightNation had the right response:


The EPA has decided to start a video contest, seeking to gather films promoting government regulations. The prize is $2,500 of stolen cash from the taxpayer.

Screw that.

So they decided to run their own contest mocking this effort (yes, Conservatives get to use Alinsky’s Rules too).  Starting with the "Do not detach this label from the mattress", it shows how much Government has inserted itself into our daily lives.

Now, with all that (and trust me, that is only the surface level!), do you really want the direct cost of Government to create and monitor all that regulation PLUS all of the other costs of complying with that regulation.

And if nothing else, Government knows how to create regulations.

At what point is it enough? And given the financial "reform" going on, ask yourself this – is it possible that all of the exotic financial instruments were created BECAUSE Government regulation was strangling the market?  Is it possible that a wee bit lighter hand would not have given the Geniuses of Wall Street that little extra nudge into the land of "no financial GPSs"?


