Can you spot the Celebucrite words? I can.... - Granite Grok

Can you spot the Celebucrite words? I can….

I’ll help you:

The world is becoming so overpopulated that nature will one day wreak its revenge, claims Jeremy Irons, the actor.

Launching himself as a green campaigner, Irons has revealed plans to make a documentary about sustainability and waste disposal, likening himself to Michael Moore, the controversial film maker, although “not as silly”.

So, he’ll be the first, tenth, one hundredth…, lost count….actor who hit it big and now wants to "celebrate green"?  How nice!  And how’s he doing at this?

The increasing global population would put an intolerable strain on the world’s resources, Irons said, and the gulf between developing countries and westerners living a bountiful “pie-in-the-sky” existence must be addressed.

Sure, living the "hair shirt, walk/bike everywhere, and eat nothing animal is just the ticket!  Reduce, reduce, reduce is the mantra of the newly converted to the worship of Gaia – especially from those that have already a sparse lifestyle…

I bet he has just a single, cute little bungalow, right?

“One always returns to the fact that there are just too many of us, the population continues to rise and it’s unsustainable,” he said in an interview with The Sunday Times. “I think we have to find ways where we’re not having to scrap our effluent junk and are a really sustainable planet.”

He must, then, approve of the Chinese govt’s policy of but one child, right?  Er, no – he has two kids…. 

…The actor, who says he is apolitical although he is a former Labour donor and his wife Sinead Cusack is “deeply socialist”, has already made a plea for action in a short video for an organisation campaigning to end world hunger.

"Deeply socialist" – that must mean that they already give away much of what they have to the less fortunate amongst us!

In a film on the website, Irons declares: “People around the world suffer hunger — 1 billion. Now that’s bad, worse than bad, that’s crazy! We’ve got to get mad. I want you to get mad. I want you to get up right now, stick your head out of the window and yell, ‘I’m mad as hell’.

Just THINK of all those folks – and he’s upset!!  Yelling is cheap – he must be doing something than just yelling a lot, right?

Irons, who owns seven houses, including a pink castle in Co Cork, Ireland, believes a new economic vision is needed in the wake of the global financial crisis. “We are facing an economic revolution,” he said. “I don’t think things can ever be the same again. The next generation will have to think laterally and find ways to cope with this.”

My, my – such a carbon footprint!  There’s a dude that has put his money where his environmentalism is!  How many folks in the 3rd world could be fed just on the upkeep of that pink castle?

These enviro-wackos, like Al Gore with the huge houses, like Tom Friedman with the humongous house, and Mr. Irons with the many houses, are all saying "Fine for me but not for thee" and never give a thought as to actual leadership.  They get this notion on a global scale, preach to the rest of us that WE have to cut down on our energy usage, our relatively (to them) material consumption, and then own the companies that reap the benefit of what they want the rest of us to do.

Tell you what, Mr. Irons – I’ll start listening when you make a big deal of selling the houses and turning the check over to a deserving charity.  I’ll believe it when the checks are written from your bank accounts with substantial percentages of their contents on the face of them.  But not until – and until then, keep yelling until you’re blue in the face for all it will matter.  Lead by example, and not by what sounds good in your own ears.

As Glen Reynolds of Instapundit is wont to say "I’ll believe it when they start acting like it is a crisis".
