More Jihadism on American Military bases? - Granite Grok

More Jihadism on American Military bases?

The most egregious example of this was was the psychologist Major Dr. Nidal Hasan who murdered 13 Army soldiers at Ft. Hood (screaming "Allahu Akbar") shot

Earlier this week, there was a sniff of perhaps of another act of Islamic Jihad, less obvious, floating around the blogosphere where Islamic translators were overheard to be planning on poisoning the food supply  at Fort Jackson.  Erik Stakelbeck of CBM was being reported as saying that there yet another problem.  I decided to let it sit for a bit and see if anything came of it – can’t depend on the MSM for stuff like this (highly politically incorrect, doncha know) from other sites.  Seems like others are starting to comment on it, so let the bubbling continue.  I have a feeling that this may be one that both the Army and the Obama Administration may wish never formed:

Fmr. FBI Special Agent Comments on Fort Jackson Case

I received the below e-mail last night about the Fort Jackson investigation from a former FBI special agent who has worked on major terrorism cases. He makes some very interesting points:

Just an investigative note…

From all the reports, it appears that the men were overheard making serious comments about a plot to poison food on an army base (Ft Jackson). Then they were brought in for questioning. I just want to encourage you all to consider that this is the way many cases are being handled – instead of doing a more in depth investigation, the general failsafe is to go talk to the subjects, thus burning down all possible chances of uncovering any larger, more coordinated efforts.

Going to talk to the subject of this kind of a threat before doing significant investigation (phone/credit/travel records, public access information, trash pulls, etc) is counter-productive. It appears, based on the timeline, that a deep look at these guys was not taken.

Check back here for more updates in the coming days.

I am hoping that this is just a rumor vs:

  • a plot that was actually stopped
  • a plot that was botched twice – once by the planners and those that did the investigation if this proves out to be real.

A rumor can be dismissed.  If there is anything behind this, it may well be yet another tipping point.  The Left’s mantra is diversity and multiculturalism; in the first and now this second, this mind set of stating that all cultures are the same is getting our sons and daughters killed.

Sidebar: on today’s ABC Nightly News (I know, TMEW had it on), there was a report that Afghanistan’s President Karzai was complaining that NATO was not doing enough in the war against the Taliban in protecting civilians (16 thus far) during this Marjah operation.  Any innocent deaths are a tragedy, but it is a war.  My question to Karzai is "Biting that hand that is keeping you alive?"  And what happens when the hand of the US disappears – to YOU that is?  We can return if necessary – can you? 

This refusal to name the actual enemy, Islamists from the Religion of Peace, makes it all but impossible to win – I blame Bush for not calling it what it is (War on Terror was ill named war on a tactic) – a political ideology wrapped up in religion.  I blame Obama for soft-pedaling it further.

(H/T: Lucienne)
