Well my Congresscritter, Carol Shea-Porter hs foot-in mouth disease - continually, eh? - Granite Grok

Well my Congresscritter, Carol Shea-Porter hs foot-in mouth disease – continually, eh?

RE: her latest outburst slamming men AND trying to shuffle off yet another family responsibility to the Government (no believer in limited government she!).  You know, her office is saying "light hearted humor"?  Oh please – just like she calls a lot of her constituents like me who believe in the TEA Party movement "teabaggers"?  Or does she just get away with this because she’s a female Progressive Democrat?

Reaction is coming in swiftly – first,  her supposed intimation that both Republican & Democrat women in the House believe in Universal Healthcare?

Statement By GOP Women Members of Congress on Rep. Carol Shea-Porter’s Comments

Washington – Nine women in the House Republican Conference released the following joint statement today after Rep. Carol Shea-Porter’s comment saying Congress could pass health care if female lawmakers “sent the men home.”

“We do not agree with the comments made by Democrat Rep. Carol Shea-Porter that ‘if we sent the men home we could get’ the health care bill done faster, and we can attest that the conversation Congresswoman Shea-Porter claims to be referencing has never taken place with any of us. We are working hard to ensure the American people have their voices heard and understand what this bill holds for their health care future.”

  • Rep. Marsha Blackburn (TN-07)
  • Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (FL-05)
  • Rep. Jo Ann Emerson (MO-08)
  • Rep. Mary Fallin (OK-05)
  • Rep. Kay Granger (TX-12)
  • Rep. Cynthia Lummis (WY-01)
  • Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05)
  • Rep. Candice Miller (MI-10)
  • Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN-06)

Carol Shea-Porter’s Comments: “The Republican women said when we were fighting over the healthcare bill, if we sent the men home we could get this done this week.”

Hmmm, not so much, eh?

And frankly, I’m tired, as a middle class white guy of being always being called the ‘gender biased’ one…. 

Nice to see that her opponents looking to let her experience what it is like to be unemployed during an Obama Administration are speaking up:

So, given how hard the Democrats are on bopping Repubs when they say "the wrong things", are they going to continue to be hypocrites and remain silent?  After all, if a woman says those things, does it make it right?

Keep talking, CSP – you’re doing just great!

Charlie Cook, a non-partisan political handicapper and the author of the Cook Political Report, sees Carol Shea-Porter’s reelection hopes disappearing.  Cook moved the race from the “Lean Democrat” category to the “Toss Up” category.  This is what happens when you ignore your constituents and support government-run healthcare, a failed stimulus bill and higher taxes.
