Studying the NH Budget: "A Rising Tide of Taxes and Fees" - Granite Grok

Studying the NH Budget: “A Rising Tide of Taxes and Fees”

(Concord) According to a report released today by the Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy, the legislature has so far passed 38 tax and fee increases costing $318 million. The number of tax and fee increases has risen dramatically in recent years from a low of nine increases in 2003-04.

The report, "A Rising Tide of Taxes and Fees" found that the number of tax and fee increases has grown in each of the last three budget cycles. According to Center president Charlie Arlinghaus, "A study of the total number of tax and fee increases over the last decade shows a consistently high number with the exception of the 2003-04 legislature. The current total so far is 38, nearly double the 19.5 average of the four previous budget cycles."

The report shows the number of tax and fee increases declined from 20 in 2001-02 to 9 in 2003-04. Since then, the number has increased to 20 in 2005-06, 29 in 2007-08 and 38 this year, with more to come in the next 18 months.

Arlinghaus delineates the 38 tax and fee increases passed this year and the budgeted cost of each. Over two years, the budget cost is $318.64 million.

The Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy is a free market think tank based in Concord, New Hampshire.

Read the full report by clicking here.

