NOW he wants fiscal frugality? - Granite Grok

NOW he wants fiscal frugality?



Obama backs measure to restore fiscal discipline

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama unveiled new steps on Saturday to restore U.S. fiscal discipline, including support for legislation that would require Congress to pay for any new programs by raising taxes or cutting other expenditures…

"Earlier this week I held my first Cabinet meeting and sent a clear message: cut what doesn’t work," Obama said. "But we can’t stop there. We need to go further," he added, outlining four additional steps the administration would take to help restore fiscal discipline.

"We need to adhere to the basic principle that new tax or entitlement policies should be paid for," Obama said, adding that so-called pay-as-you-go principles had helped transform deficits into surpluses in the 1990s.

He urged Congress to pass legislation that would enforce the pay-as-you-go idea. The principles would require that any new programs, except for emergencies, be paid for either by raising taxes or cutting other programs to obtain the funding.

Obama also said he would create incentives for government agencies to reduce wasteful and unnecessary spending, such as allowing them to keep a portion of the savings to spend on programs that work.

"The result will be a smaller budget, and a more effective government," he said.

The government would also solicit cost-cutting ideas from government employees and adopt business-style innovations and technology to find ways to work more efficiently.

"Government has a responsibility to spend the peoples’ money wisely, and to serve the people effectively," Obama said.

Laughable on two levels:

  • His budget and spending policies will average at least a 1/2 trillion dollars a year for the next 10 years – HIS budget.
  • Most of his vaunted "$2 trillion savings over the next 10 years" is a magical Obama touch; the "cost savings" of winding down the Iraq war (as if we’d be there the next 10 years in combat mode…)

The most ridiculous part is having us believe that government workers are going to recommend closing down programs that affect their own jobs.  And when is the last time you knew, on a wide scale basis, of governmental programs getting slashed by huge amounts (other than DoD projects) of funding as they did the previous budget cycle?

Obama creating a smaller government? That works ONLY if his baseline is at the top of the Porkulous spending binge he started…and added to…
