Bloggers Poll: “No bipartisanship? No problem…”


National Journal Online has just posted its latest polling results taken from political bloggers on the left and right.

This week’s questions and answer choices were as follows:

  • Have events of recent weeks made you more encouraged or less encouraged about prospects for bipartisanship this year on major issues that Congress has yet to tackle, such as health care reform and energy legislation?
    • More Encouraged
    • Less Encouraged
    • No Change


  • Do you support sending 30,000 additional U.S. combat troops to Afghanistan?
    • Yes
    • No

Participating as one of the "right-leaning" bloggers, I answered "No change" to the first question on bipartisanship, commenting,

"This question is difficult for me. Bipartisanship? I want less of it, not more! As the Dems run down the path of socialism and economic ruin, I need somebody to at least try to stop them. The Republicans must do this. My answer would be that I am more encouraged because there is less bipartisanship."

On the second one, asking if we should send the extra troops to Afghanistan, I answered, "yes," noting that

"I would support small tactical nuclear blasts in the badlands of Pakistan as well. Whatever it takes to crush the enemy, I am for. Period."

Click here to view all of the results. Unsurprisingly, you’ll note that the majority Right and the Left answers are exactly opposite on the question of more troops.




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