"Sarah Barracuda"... - Granite Grok

“Sarah Barracuda”…

Sarah Palin

Don’t know if this is 100% confirmed yet, but it looks like Senator McCain obviously read our post Wednesday calling for a woman Veep— with Sarah Palin being our preference– because Drudge is linking to a story claiming that indeed the Alaska Governor is it. I think this will, if not dramatically altering the election, at least make for an interesting time.

Who is Sarah Palin? Back in June, in a piece advocating for Mrs. Palin, Jack Kelly–writing at RealClearPolitics.com–gave us the basics:

At 44, Sarah Louise Heath Palin is both the youngest and the first female governor in Alaska’s relatively brief history as a state. She’s also the most popular governor in America, with an approval rating that has bounced around 90 percent.

This is due partly to her personal qualities. When she was leading her underdog Wasilla high school basketball team to the state championship in 1982, her teammates called her "Sarah Barracuda" because of her fierce competitiveness.

Two years later, when she won the "Miss Wasilla" beauty pageant, she was also voted "Miss Congeniality" by the other contestants.

Sarah Barracuda. Miss Congeniality. Fire and nice. A happily married mother of five who is still drop dead gorgeous. And smart to boot.

But it’s mostly because she’s been a crackerjack governor, a strong fiscal conservative and a ferocious fighter of corruption, especially in her own party.

I can really dig that last part– while I expect bad things from the political opposition, I expect members of my own party to toe the line. This is an exciting and intriguing choice. It will be interesting to see if some of Hillary’s supporters, feeling cast-off by Obama and his Democratic Party of "change", will find their way to a McCain/ Palin ticket…

“Alaskans deserve transparency and accountability from their leaders. It’s a philosophy
will promote as Governor."

-Sarah Palin

Oh yeah!!!

