Zoom! Motorcycle Rally for Gold Star Mothers


The kick off fund raiser for the NH Gold Star Mothers was a huge success. While the final numbers are not yet calculated; it’s in the thousands of dollars. We bikers gathered at Nault’s Honda in Manchester around 8 am. Registration was brisk, perhaps it was the free coffee and donuts provided by Dunkin Donuts of Manchester, with approx. 100 motorcycles registering (many of whom couldn’t ride but paid for registrations regardless)…most bikers are affiliated with a veterans motorcycle association, not "club" as reported by WMUR. There’s a difference. Nam Knights are a true motorcycle club, but Combat Veterans is a motorcycle association. Hubby and I belong to the Combat Vets Motorcycle Association where serving in combat is the only requirement to join. The Nam Knights have alot more stringent requirements to join and require alot more commitment; i.e., helping handicapped vets at the VA play bingo twice monthly, etc. All of the groups, however, are highly commited to veterans causes and spend countless hours for charities. There were the US Marine Riders, Rolling Thunder, Patriot Guard Riders, and American Legion Riders in attendance as well. 



A safety briefing was held and "blockers" volunteered. Kick stands went up about 10 am, and we roared out with a police escort from Nault’s. There’s always a leader and a tail gunner, in this case two, on these rally rides. Gunner’s stop to assist if someone breaks down, etc. Luckily no one did.  Bikers were told to ride in staggered formation as it’s the safest way to ride. We use automatic and hand signals for turns and to warn of road debri if there is any. We kept under the speed limit and luckily kept together with police escorts from the various towns and blockers keeping traffic stopped at intersections as we rode through the various towns.    

While it rained early that morning, the weather could not have been nicer during the 70 mile country road ride starting at Nault’s and ending at Veterans Park in Manchester. A fire truck and police escort led us down Elm Street to Vets Park. Many along our route waved and saluted…many bikes proudly displayed large American flags. It’s very touching to be riding in a group with flags waving and the patriotism displayed is palpable and heartwarming.

So many people and organizations donated their time or talent which contributed greatly to the successful fund raiser. T-Bones, www.t-bones.com, Cactus Jack’s provided free food, the blue’s band Smokehouse Lightning, www.smokehouselightning.com,  rocked the crowd at Vet’s Park…the 15-year old lead guitarist and singer was unbelievable as was the rest of the band…Pepsi and Coke provided free beverages, chairs were donated by Cornerstone Ministries, raffle items were donated by various individuals and organizations. A hearty thanks to all…you know who you are!

The Mayor of Manchester’s speech was sincere and impressive. Mark my words, he will one day be Governor of NH and beyond. He spoke for 10 minutes without notes and kept the focus on the Gold Star Mothers. If you closed your eyes, you wouldn’t even have noticed that he’s in politics…now, how refreshing is that! The only other speaker was Chair of the NH Gold Star Mothers, Bill Trueheart, who also kept his remarks short. Of course, the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer was spoken both at Nault’s and at Vets Park. The flag at Vets Park is high and huge and proudly waved. Yep, I’m proud to be an American and honored to be a part of these extraordinary, selfless people.

Here’s the story WMUR Channel 9 printed on its website (hopefully you caught the vido coverage Sat. and Sun. on Channel 9):

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Dozens of motorcycles escorted by a Manchester fire

engine roared into Veterans Park on Saturday to raise money to honor

the families of servicemen and women who have sacrificed their lives

for their country.

The riders traveled to Manchester to support the New Hampshire Gold

Star Mothers Memorial Association. The group honors the mothers of

children who died while serving in the armed forces.

"These veterans from motorcycle clubs throughout New Hampshire are our

first major event to get money," said William Truehart of the


The fundraiser was held to help pay for a statue to honor local Gold

Star mothers.

"It’s going to be one of four throughout the country done by

international sculptor Andrew Chernak," said Debbie Murphy of New

Hampshire Gold Star Mothers. "Everything is in place. We just need the

fundraising to really happen."

The group is hoping to raise $250,000. The statue would be placed

across the street from Veterans Park at Stanton Park on Elm Street.

Organizers said that the placement was decided, in part, so that the

motherly statue could look over lost veterans.

"The other reason for having it over there is to educate the public on

what is a Gold Star Mother — a mother who lost a son or daughter in

service of the United States," Truehart said.

The group said it hopes to install the statue in March.

Here’s the pics from the ride Mary Drego posted: http://community.webshots.com/album/561113649OaaWOV 

Since some of you couldn’t attend in person, please contribute to this very worthy cause to honor the mothers who have lost a child to war and let’s get this statue erected. Click here for the official NH Gold Star Mothers Memorial site for the address to send in your welcome contributions.

Other dedicated and helpful sponsors include: Nault’s Honda, The Common Man Restaurants (The Airport Diner), and of course Dunkin Donuts, Eddy Road, Manchester for the yummy donated coffee and donuts.

Ride on and God Bless everyone who participated!


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