Our buddy John Hawkins of RightWingNews (a frequent guest on the radio version of the ‘Grok- Meet the New Press) has released the results of his latest email survey, "Right-Of-Center Bloggers Select The Most & Least Desired 2008 Republican Nominee (Third Quarter Of 2007 Edition)", of which we were a participant.
Right Wing News emailed more than 230 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to send us a ranked list 1-5 of the candidates that they would most like to take the Republican nomination for President in 2008 and the 1-5 candidates they’d least like to see as the Republican nominee in 2008..All participating bloggers were provided with the following list of potential candidates although they were also allowed to select nominees who were not listed:.Sam Brownback
Rudy Giuliani
Mike Huckabee
Duncan Hunter
John McCain
Ron Paul
Mitt Romney
Tom Tancredo
Fred Thompson
Tommy Thompson
Click here to see the results. One quick observation I’ll make is that Rudy Giuliani continues to poll very well, even in groups that one might consider rather conservative, like those reporting in to John’s survey.