Troop's take on Congresswoman Shea-Porter's position - Granite Grok

Troop’s take on Congresswoman Shea-Porter’s position

Allison Scaman, one of the Moms of Fury, wrote another Letter to The Editor concerning her opinion of Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter’s position on the Iraq war and supporting the troops.  Once again, the skewer comes out.

BUT WAIT!  THERE’S MORE! as they say in the infomercial.  Thanks once again to the speed of Internet, some soldiers saw the letter.

Allison’s Letter:

Freshman Shea-Porter voted against a $120 billion Iraq war supplemental bill because it had no time table for withdrawal.  Then after her vote, she published a letter to explain the true meaning of Memorial Day.  Shea-Porter you are speaking out of both sides of your  mouth.  First you say our troops do not have what they need to accomplish their mission then you cut their funds.  You stood on the house floor, for the entire world to see you questioning the values of freedom and liberty upon which this country was founded.  The  newly elected congresswoman has also gone out of her way to ignore military families (remember the conference she canceled to avoid questions) after promising to support them.  Our men and women in the military abroad, work 24/7, defending and protecting the principles and values of our constitution, while Shea-Porter complains that she works five days a week.  Ninety two percent of Americans want our troops funded.  Shea-Porter’s lack of support due to her hate Bush agenda has put our troops in more harms way and has emboldened our enemy.  Veterans, if our Congresswoman was serving during World War II, German would be our national language with Hitler in the White House.  Where is Shea-Porter’s backbone?  Instead of focusing on a time table for withdrawal why are you not putting pressure on our enemy?  Instead you would rather put it on our troops by not funding them.  Freshman Congresswoman, go serve your cider to Al-Qaeda andthe Fort Dix terrorists.  They are counting on you.

From our friend, Sue (a Blue Star Mom), comes a soldier’s take on the Congresswoman and this Letter:

Good afternoon family and friends.  I sent the letter from Alison to a few of the soldiers that I know and received the following response….Like myself and others have been saying…these politicians have blood on their hands by enabling the enemy…will they ever just shut up and support our soldiers to victory???  (they just keep repeating the same lies….and if you tell a lie long enough, often enough, and loud enough, it becomes the truth.)   I pray that they would just be united in this Global War on Terror….and truly show support for them – a country divided will fall.  Please continue to fight the fight back here to help our soldiers….and keep the pressure on those that are determined to bring our country down.  Thanks… 
Following is an email that I received from a soldier whose boots are on the ground
Nothing emboldens these psychotics more than actions of those that have voted against supporting our troops to victory.  Any sign of weakness gives them hope and reason to continue their murderous actions against the Iraqis and coalition forces.

I would invite Representative Shea-Porter to look at the body of a Private, who was killed by an IED the day after the vote. He was doing his duty, and could have been the victim of a newly-energized and emboldened terrorist, thanks to the cowardice of our elected officials who did not stand behind their troops and deserted us in our time of need. Of course, that would mean she’d have to leave the safety of her nice office in New Hampshire and come here to mortar alley.  What are chances of that happening?

Am I not being fair? Hitting below the belt? Well, we in the Army expect more of our LEADERS. If the shoe fits, then wear it. To leave with a job undone means that all 3,400-some troops who have already died have done so in vain.

When people such as she speak of "supporting the troops," it is a slap in the face. Supporting us does not mean you cut the funding or advocate for a quick withdrawal. It would be easier to take if she actually had the moral and physical courage to come and face her constituents over here who are fighting and dying for a cause many of us believe in. We might respect that. Instead, we get to read about how she and her anti-President Bush cronies are acting in "our" best interests while we are doing our jobs here each and every day. Shameful. 

A disappointed New Hampshire son and Iraq veteran
