More Nanny Statism - Granite Grok

More Nanny Statism

You know, I only did one post on Nanny Stat proponents thinking that the rest of us are Stoopid (here).  Well, here we go again!  Here in NH, two Dems from the Seacoast area (the "very" east coast of NH and fairly liberal to boot compared to a lot of other areas in NH) are proposing to ban trans-fat usage in the State.  Great, thanks a bunch NYC…..another reason besides the Yankees to….oh, never mind…well, maybe!

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Two Portsmouth Democrats are on a mission to ban New Hampshire restaurants and stores from preparing and selling food made with heart-damaging trans fats.

The bill sponsored by Reps. Paul McEachern and Jim Splaine was scheduled for a hearing Tuesday before the House Commerce Committee.

Under the proposal, restaurants and stores found to be repeatedly violating the trans fat ban would "constitute an immediate endangerment of public health and safety." Offending businesses could lose their food service licenses.

If it passes, the ban would go into effect January first, 2008.

New York City approved a trans fat ban in December

Anyways, these two folks have decided that they know better than us, that we should not be allowed to make decisions that could possibly harm ourselves.  Anybody want rubber baby bumpers made mandatory as well?  Let’s go to the next sillier step – is this another step towards Saudi Arabia’s Muttawa?  Big Brother monitors?

Why can’t politicos just leave us alone? 

Can I blame NYC and Mayor Bloomberg for this? 

Oh, according to this, I guess not….

NEW YORK, Feb 7 (Reuters) – New Yorkers who blithely cross the street listening to an iPod or talking on a cell phone could soon face a $100 fine.

New York State Sen. Carl Kruger says three pedestrians in his Brooklyn district have been killed since September upon stepping into traffic while distracted by an electronic device. In one case bystanders screamed "watch out" to no avail.

OK, the usual stuff about death is a tragedy.  However, setting up a law that can affect millions just because three people were stupid? THREE?

Kruger says he will introduce legislation on Wednesday to ban the use of gadgets such as Blackberry devices and video games while crossing the street.

"Government has an obligation to protect its citizenry," Kruger said in a telephone interview from Albany, the state capital. "This electronic gadgetry is reaching the point where it’s becoming not only endemic but it’s creating an atmosphere where we have a major public safety crisis at hand."

A major public safety crisis?  Sigh…anything to make the problem important….  My gosh, major is a flu pandemic.  Major is drug abuse.  Major is the crime rate in NYC.  THREE IS NOT "MAJOR". 

Tech-consuming New Yorkers trudge to work on sidewalks and subways like an army of drones, appearing to talk to themselves on wireless devices or swaying to seemingly silent tunes.

"I’m not trying to intrude on that," Kruger said.

By definition, he is.  By causing behavior to change, he is.  To insert himself and his ideas in others lives, he is. 

"But what’s happening is when they’re tuning into their iPod or Blackberry or cell phone or video game, they’re walking into speeding buses and moving automobiles. It’s becoming a nationwide problem."

Again, puffery is a politico’s best friend (ok, campaign donations are). 

The story didn’t say, but I googled this busybody, and surprise, surprise!  He’s a Democrat.  Now, this is not to say that Republicans are whitewashed in this type of deal, but this is three for three today (and I’m not even looking!).

Be that as it may, once again, the "good heartedness" seems to out weigh rationality.  Once again, we see folks trying to protect us from ourselves – they DO believe that they can create a sufficient number of rules and laws that will protect us from stupidity.

Listen, while some stupidity is learned, and some is from bad habits, a lot is just innate.  There is just no way that all Stupidity can be eliminated.  In the case of no-iPod-while-crossing-the-street,  if the users of e-stuff can’t be bothered to do what toddlers are taught (look both ways!), that’s their problem.  That’s why we have the Darwin Awards

Hey, can we give iPods to our two legislators? 

