The Wikipedia discusses the overall theme of the movie, Total Recall (a runner up for the list of my five all-time favorite flicks):
The film explores the question of reality versus delusion, a recurrent theme in Philip K Dick’s works.The plot calls for the lead character and the audience to question whether the character’s experience is real or being fed directly to his mind.
There are several visual and informational clues which point in both directions. Verhoeven and Dick play up the intentional ambiguity to the very end and the viewer is left wondering whether or not the entire story is simply the memory purchased at Rekall gone awry.
The movie truly achieved its trick. I still don’t really know to this day whether Arnold’s adventure was real or imagined. And now, I can add a new video which leaves me in a true state of confusion…
Watching the YouTube video of Mitt Romney’s infamous debate with Ted Kennedy in the 1994 Massachusetts US Senate race is rather shocking when viewed for the first time. Not that any of what he’s saying is anything that hasn’t already come out into the general political forums. It’s just that seeing a young, buff Mitt Romney vehemently defending a woman’s right to kill a baby in the womb, followed by an emotional denial of any return to the days of Reagan is unnerving, to say the least. After watching the clip and considering the older, yet still buff politician’s conservative stances he claims to champion today, you really can’t help but wonder, "Is it reality Or is it delusion?" Like the character played by Arnold in the movie, does Mitt himself even know? Could "they" be force-feeding replicant conservative "core beliefs" directly into his mind?