Op-Ed, Author at Granite Grok - Page 63 of 287

Rob Natelson

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Edmond Randolph

The Founders and the Constitution: Edmund Randolph

Edmund Randolph was born into a family with a tradition of public service. His maternal grandfather had been King’s Attorney (attorney general) in colonial Maryland. His paternal grandfather, father, and uncle all held the same position in colonial Virginia.

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the 2024 Presidential Primary

Last winter, no one was voting for Donald Trump. With varying levels of anger, disdain or sadness, all our friends made it clear they were “moving on.” “He’s a slob,” said one friend aggressively—with no explanation even when pressed. “I want to go back to ‘normal,’” said another, adding, “before all the division.”

Globe map china

What Would You Do If You Were China and America’s Enemy?

There was a story over the weekend that deserves your attention about a Chinese-owned laboratory in Reedley, California.  Reedley, California, which is about 25 miles southeast of Stockton, and it had vials of deadly pathogens, things like HIV, covid, E.coli, herpes, and Malaria, among others.

American Flag original image by by Dave Sherrill on Unsplash

Unraveling the “One Nation” Myth

You’ve been lied to. America is not “one nation.” I know this feels shocking. You’ve proclaimed the United States of America is “one nation, under God, indivisible” your entire life. But you’ve been parroting a myth.

China, Women’s Rights, and the #MeToo Cabal

Right after the George Floyd protests, Alexander Prout posted a Tweet with a letter demanding reparations for black students at St, Paul’s School. He asked people to sign the letter. An alum posted under it that it was tied to China.

I voted sticker

Special Election Endorsement

The Northwood Republican Town Committee endorses James Guzofski in the Rockingham 1 Northwood Nottingham Republican primary special election on Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

When Is an Election Not an Election?

There’s a lot of censorship of information about the corruption of America’s political system. The point is our system of government has been corrupted. If this assertion is true, we need to do something about it and do it now.