Election Day Open Thread - Granite Grok

Election Day Open Thread


Welcome to that thing we can only hope will put an end to the internet asking us if we’re voting because we voted. Or reminding us to register and vote. Or, well – you know the drill. So, it’s the big day, and we want you to share your observations with us.

Related: So, What Starts Happening November 4th? It’s Already Not Looking Good

Turnout, wait times, thoughts, prayers, opinions. You can comment below using DISQUS or chime in on social media at any one of these portals.    

Facebook Page  –  Facebook Group –   Parler  –  MeWe  –  Minds  –  Gab  –  Twitter  –  Codias

Will we know the winner (of the presidential contest) this week, this month, or have to wait until the electors meet in December?

What do you have to say about the state and local races?

Riot prep (defense from), or observation about the tantrum-Left and their destructive antics.

Winners of local races as the day nears an end.  Whatever you like. No matter in what state you live, (physically or mentally).

We’ve been on this wild ride for years, so let’s hear from you.
