Night Cap: The WEF as the Progenitor of Global Fascism - Granite Grok

Night Cap: The WEF as the Progenitor of Global Fascism

Klaus Schwab WEF YouTube Screen Grab

The World Economic Forum, WEF, has for decades been a central node of collaborative efforts towards bettering himanity. Many of its projects are initiated with the best intentions. Yet, it has increasingly become corrupted and now acts as a source of fascist anti-human ideology worldwide.

This is in plain sight in the language used by the WEF’s directors and media outlets. The key term is “Public-Private Partnership”. What does this mean precisely? It means cooperation and coordination between corporations and governments. There is a key element missing here— the private citizen.

Corporations and governments are both functioning power structures directing economies. Both are conglomerations of individuals working towards specific goals. However, neither necessarily have in their specific interest the prosperity and well-being of the individual private citizen. When corrupted, both corporations and governments take from the citizens rather than nurture them. Most especially, when corrupted, neither has in its interest the prosperity of individuals outside of themselves. That is, a corrupted government run by a certain political party will not care for citizens outside that party. A corporation will not care for citizens who are not part of the corporate structure.

No effective global mechanism exists today for regulating corporations and governments. These power actors chart a course depending on the morality of the people who run them. By and large, across the planet today, morals have been cast to the wayside in favor of money. Some widely broadcast voices say you can have only one but not the other. This is not true. Attaining both is possible. All that is required is restraint from the amoral.

It is difficult to do a good thing that benefits everyone. There are so many possible courses of action. There are many easy ways when it comes to making money. Yet, making money morally in a way that benefits everyone is the key. It is possible with a clear vision and a good conscience.

The WEF has not promoted such a path forward. This group of globalists is promoting transhumanism— the destruction of the human body. They call it by other words to make it palatable, and so they can profit. Yet, the reality is that their agenda promotes war and bloodshed, promotes castration, and promotes deadly and dangerous biomedical technologies. They have collectively lost the way.

A collaboration between corporation and government has been defined already— it was recognized by the Italian politician Benito Mussolini in the mid 20th century by the term fascist. This is precisely the correct definition of fascism.

When corporations and governments work together, there is a conjunction between the monopoly on economic power and the monopoly on military force. The result is destructive and anti-human. The course is one where the individual finds it increasingly difficult to affect change or even to be recognized and heard.

We must avoid this course at all costs. The WEF is not leading humanity along the best course of action. We must all recognize this reality as quickly as possible and act to avert what could be a disaster for the entire planetary civilization.
