FDA Tells Local Bakery, Love Isn't an Ingredient - Granite Grok

FDA Tells Local Bakery, Love Isn’t an Ingredient

MadeWithLoveAccording to the FDA, a local bakery that sells granola in Massachusetts and New Hampshire has to change its label. Love is not an ingredient.

In a letter dated Sept. 22 to West Concord, Mass.-based Nashoba Brook Bakery, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration took the company to task for a number of food-safety violations and mislabled ingredients. Among them: an ingredient called “love.”

“Your Nashoba Granola label lists ingredient ‘Love,’” the FDA said. “Ingredients required to be declared on the label or labeling of food must be listed by their common or usual name. ‘Love’ is not a common or usual name of an ingredient, and is considered to be intervening material because it is not part of the common or usual name of the ingredient.”

Nashoba was just trying to be clever but the government doesn’t do clever, nor do they do love.

Love, as it turns out, is not a state’s interest. There is no ministry of love. No state department of love. No state director of love. And no one in their right mind would want the State organizing, defining, taxing or regulating it. Love is not a state’s interest.

No love from government. Of course, some people love government. There’s something wrong with those people.
