Hillary Clinton's Values are Maggie Hassan's Values - Granite Grok

Hillary Clinton’s Values are Maggie Hassan’s Values

Maggie Hassan - I know a Secret...
I also take illegal contributions–until I get caught,  and make taxpayers pay for my campaign security.

New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan faithfully supports Hillary Clinton. What does that mean?

Maggie supports cheating on your spouse often and terrorizing his conquests after; even ignoring sexual assault and accusations of rape, while actively trying to destroy women with the help of the federal government and the national media, all in the name of protecting and securing your abuse of political power.

Gov. Hassan believes it is acceptable to lie, not just to the people you are sworn to protect–and their families, but to the entire globe, about terror attacks. It is reasonable for a “public servant” to hide from her responsibilities before during and after an international crisis.  And you should be more concerned about the political consequences than the lives of Americans, including a US Ambassador. She condones hiding facts, obscuring details, obstructing investigations, blaming others, all in the pursuit of political power.

Hes so dreamy Hassan ClintonMaggie is not against using unprotected private email for sharing national secrets. She does not oppose lying about it when you get caught, obstructing the investigation, or destroying evidence. When confronted you should just say that whatever that is should not matter, while blaming other people for whatever you can think of to get them to stop asking you about what you did wrong. Even though you are qualified to tell everyone else what to do and how the government should run their lives, you can have no clue about whether you followed the law, whatever the law may be, and can change your story at will, as long as you are a Democrat in pursuit of political power.

Those are just three examples that define Maggie Hassan’s values; things we would have not right to be surprised by should she manage to get elected to the US Senate and go to Washington DC. Why? She has never once, to my knowledge, distanced herself from any of the dozens of Clinton Scandals involving either Bill or Hillary, which–if I recall my Ray Buckley’s Rules for NH Radicals, makes them her own. She is an expression of those actions. And she most certainly is.

In exchange for protecting the Clinton Family values, they help her fundraise and run for public office.

Maggie Hassan is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Clinton Global Graft initiative.

Time to admit what you are but since I know you won’t, so we will do our best to make sure New Hampshire voters know what you consider suitable behavior for elected and appointed officials.

The only real question is, will we have enough time to fit them all in?

By the way…Hassan isn’t the only New Hampshire Democrat seeking higher office with Clinton Baggage. You all own it and the people will know it.
