Unspeakably Evil - Granite Grok

Unspeakably Evil

Nancy Pelosi - Screen Grab Congressional web site video

At one time, the woman known as Nancy Pelosi may have been a darling of the American political left. Much like Ocasio-Cortez is today, Pelosi, in her time, was a figurehead for civil rights, especially women’s rights. Unfortunately, decidedly for the worse, she has become unspeakably evil.

Her name has become synonymous with the most nauseating level of vile corruption in the history of the United States of America.

For four years, during the Trump presidency, she waged war based entirely on character smears. Donald Trump, who at one time was a playboy but had somewhat of a call to a moral and upright life, really rubbed Pelosi the wrong way. She saw him as the epitome of the white man.

Many American leftists have been trained to hate the white man. It has been bred into their narrow little minds. But caucasian men built the foundation that allows them the freedom to make the criticism.

We want to thank Kensley Vitoria for this Op-Ed.
Please direct yours to Editor@GraniteGrok.com.

Nobody but a leftist ever claimed American leftists were the least bit intelligent.

Nancy Pelosi has been trading stocks based on her insider knowledge of what companies will receive favorable treatment from government legislation. She and her husband have made tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars off of her insider knowledge. This is extremely illegal.

Pelosi has been in Congress since 1987 and has represented California’s 12th district since 2013. Before that, she worked for the Democrat National Committee and as an intern in Congress. This woman has spent her entire life working in politics. She has zero exposure to any other type of work. This is a recipe for evil, and that is what she has become.

She thinks she can talk her way out of anything. But over the past six years, she has increasingly appeared at press conferences extremely nervous and anxious. She frequently lies outright, and the dovish Democrat press does not call her on it. She does not allow contrarian press or anyone who might call her out on her lies. This is reminiscent of the Nazi Party in 1930s Germany.

And while Nancy Pelosi is not directly connected to the Nazis, the ideology that drove the German Nazis is the ideology that Nancy Pelosi has developed as her style of politics.

The repression of political opponents, which she has enforced on participants of the January 6 protest at the Capitol. That event itself was Nancy Pelosi’s Reichstag Fire— an event that occurred in Berlin in 1933 that was set up by the Nazis, allowing Hitler to blame his political opponents and persecute them. Whether or not she intended to, Pelosi followed Hitler’s lead almost identically.

Following J6, Pelosi supported and organized a committee to investigate the event. When the House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy legally selected Republicans for the committee, according to Congressional law, Pelosi denied them and chose her own Republican representatives. She purposefully selected Republicans who she knew would not contradict her version of events. This was illegal, but she did it anyway.

Pelosi spearheaded two attempts to impeach Donald Trump. First, based on a story concocted by the Democrat National Committee and its agents about how Trump supposedly colluded with Russia to win the presidency. The Russia story was totally fraudulent, made up by a consultancy paid for by Hillary Clinton.

The second attempted impeachment was concerning January 6, which, of course, was a protest about the election fraud that occurred on November 3. As has been widely investigated and reported, except by Democrat media corporations, there was a definite and widespread network of election fraud across many states. There is evidence, despite Pelosi’s insistence to the contrary.

Pelosi is totally insulated from normal American society. She never walks through the streets of San Francisco, which have become decaying and disgusting. They are literally filled with human feces and spent needles from the thousands of homeless people living on the city’s streets. For all of the Democrat Party’s talk about socialism, they can’t figure out how to implement it in one of the USA’s most historically iconic cities. People live in their cars in San Francisco because housing is too expensive.

Pelosi has almost singlehandedly transformed the USA’s Democrat Party into a fascist nightmare, supporting governors who rule as petty tyrants, like Gretchen Whitmer. Pelosi supported Biden for President because she wanted the least possible resistance to implement her agenda. Biden is a puppet for Pelosi. He (more or less) does whatever she tells him to. Several broadcast conversations between the two of them have made this strikingly evident.

Recently, the Capitol Police were caught breaking into a Republican Congressman’s office and opening his mail. Of course, Capitol Police report to Nancy Pelosi. This woman, Pelosi, has now weaponized Capitol Police against her political rivals. She has gone all the way into Nazism. Nazi is short for the German word for national socialism. This is a brand of socialism with a disdain for parliamentary procedure, an obsession with scientific racism, a willingness to violently persecute political rivals, and a big fan if eugenics. Does this sound familiar? Well, it is the ideology of the USA’s modern Democrat Party.

Nancy Pelosi has become a disgustingly corrupted and twisted old woman. She is not wise, and not a stateswoman. She does not deserve her position of power. In fact, she deserves to go to jail. She actually deserves worse than that. Far worse.
