Where the United Nations (sort of) Admits ... It Is a Disaster - Granite Grok

Where the United Nations (sort of) Admits … It Is a Disaster

UN United Nations Logo

The thought-police wordsmiths over at the United Nations have been busy working on the correct vocabulary when commenting on a wide range of things, including events for which Human beings were ill-prepared.

Remember the Early Obama-era overseas contingency operation and man-caused disaster? The UN has taken the latter to heart.


A natural hazard, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or flood, only becomes a disaster when it impacts a community that is not adequately protected, and whose population is vulnerable as a result of poverty, exclusion or socially-disadvantage.

There are also disasters that result from natural hazards, like wildfires or desertification, that have a devastating effect on natural resources, laying waste to ecosystems and wildlife habitats. Some of these originate from man-made hazards, like chemical spills or nuclear leaks. This destruction can have serious effects on the communities that co-exist and rely on these resources, causing economic and cultural losses, and ruining lives and livelihoods.

Still, those aren’t natural disasters.

First, isn’t the use of the word man sexist and bigoted? If you’re thinking the language that should read person-caused .. wait! Person has “son” in it and, as such, is also sexist and bigoted. We can’t call it a human-caused hazard ‘cuz “man.” They/Them?

You see the problem.

Here’s another one.

What about They/Them caused disasters around rare-earth metal mines in Asia and Africa? Countries like China are poisoning the land and water, as well as generations of the indigenous population, to feed the West’s suicidal obsession with solar panels and lithium battery packs, of which there are not enough “natural” resources to make viable for any energy transition except a world with less or no energy.

Surprise! They have words to describe that like ‘Green Energy, ‘Net-Zero,’ Progress, Evolution, but none of them properly describe or portray the environmental destruction created and advocated by the United Nations’ environmental and energy agenda.

The United Nations has led a decades-long policy path that has diverted trillions globally away from people in need for pointless CO2 reduction strategies that have led to China’s massive growth in land, air, and water pollution. Total contamination in response to UN directives and priorities is a Disaster.

Perhaps, instead of insisting we all rethink how we view damage and loss of life from any event, we reimagine a world without the disaster that is the UN, the WHO, the IMF, the WEF, and the World Bank. All of them have done enough damage to the world and its people to have earned a declaration as a global terrorist organization.

