Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow - Granite Grok

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Keep them coming please, as it helps me gather weaponry to fight the Left.  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!


Speaking of, from this week, Monday Edition and Wednesday Edition.  Also check out my latest Israel-focused meme & commentary post if this is a subject of interest to you.


*** Warning, a few possibly off-color ones, in case tender eyes are about… definitely some salty language ***






Question: Is this a positive ID?  I assume so because – in my non-legal opinion – this would be actionable defamation if not.





Profound.  Seen here.



Mass arrests.  Sounds an awful lot like the USSR under Stalin, no?



In this case it’s Israel.  But regardless of the topic, and regardless of the “mainstream media” outlet, they always seem to err in one direction only.  They understand, very well, that most people are lazy, will not attempt to check multiple news sources, and will not “do their own research” on anything.






“Give us the House” the GOP said.  So we did.  And nothing happened.  “Give us the Senate too” the GOP said.  So we did.  And nothing happened.  “Give us the White House too” the GOP said.  So we did.  And something did happen… they fought Trump and MAGA and rolling back the Left tooth and nail.

If, by some miracle, there IS an election and Trump DOES win, I expect the GOP to fold completely and just become an auxiliary “me too” to the Dems.






That plus billions of rounds of ammo.





Don’t forget the current head of the CDC… whom I’ve entitled MENGELE MANDY.





No, that comes later, like around August or September…





Enemedia in meltdown mode.  Related:

CNN and MSNBC Censor Trump’s Victory Speech in Iowa – PJ Media

How dare Trump speak to the people unfiltered by us!





Poland was a staunch resister of mass migration.  IMHO there’s no way he won legitimately.






A vote for Nikki is, IMHO, a vote for more of The Potato.  Just with a female skin, and a couple of meaningless bones thrown to the Right.






I repeat my prediction.  If, by some anti-miracle, the GOP Elites + the Left (political and enemedia) somehow manage to drag her across the nomination finish line, I predict:

  1. There will be much celebration in the enemedia about how – having nominated a recent-descendant woman of color – the GOP has “matured and moved into the 21st century”.  Yada yada.
  2. The GOP Elites will say that we need to put aside our partisan differences and unite behind this historic candidate (not like they’d do that if it were Trump, but…)
  3. Within 48 hours after that the lawsuits will start – from the Left – attempting to disqualify her for precisely this reason.




BACKSTABBER Nikki Haley won’t tell you who is behind some of her biggest donations (

MHO, which I’ve said before… the enemedia will ally with the Left (even more than normal) and the GOP Establishment/NeverTrumpers to try and drag her across the nomination line.  There will be enormous exulting for about 48 hours about how the Republicans have “grown and matured and modernized”.  And then the lawsuits over her not being a natural born citizen will start.  Assuming those succeed, the Right will be thrown into chaos with, likely, some other RINO figurehead – who will be anathema to actual Conservatives – put up as a fill-in.


RINO (when you elect) - notice j









Why do you think they changed it to “Climate Change”?  So that, no matter what actually happens, they can always say TOLD YOU!  Scientific predictions have to be specific; that the below image is now the reality is one reason I no longer am a climate alarmist.











Yes and no.  It’s an open secret that Iran wants the bomb.  The question is not whether they want it, it’s what they’ll do with them when they get them.  Yes, Israel is a high-probability target… but the Iranians have openly discussed taking America down with an EMP, having practiced launching rockets from ships in the Caspian Sea and declaring the test a success when the rocket gets to 90-100 miles up – perfect EMP altitude.  And in general, you must remember – as I keep repeating – that in Shiite Islam their messiah can’t come until there’s a global war.  WWIII, to a believing Shiite, is not a bug but a feature.  (And now, possibly, things are heating up with Pakistan…)









I am certainly no expert in Arab culture, but this is a slap.  And, to Arabs, America’s non-response to that is seen as a sign of weakness.











Pick of the Post:


A tie.



NO entity ever puts itself out of business.  And tied is this delicious bit of mockery:





A smallish (!) selection of IMHO important links.  Some from me, some from my Jarhead friend.


Pfizer Secretly Studied a Heart Damage Marker, Troponin I, in Five- to 15-Year-Olds, Following mRNA COVID Vaccination in 2021 | NC Renegades

Read this.  Read this again.  They knew, back in early 2021, that the Jab caused heart damage.  Remember they knew:



They knew, and kept silent:

CDC Drafted Alert For Myocarditis And COVID-19 Vaccines, But Never Sent It | ZeroHedge


Masking, Lockdowns, Travel Restrictions, Vaccines Useless in Pandemic (

The great Justice Clarence Thomas (

A truly great man.

Bombshell J6 Footage Exposes Nancy Pelosi’s Security Guard’s Lies – PJ Media

The man lied under oath about J6 events.

DEROY MURDOCK: Emperor Biden’s Latest — The State Goes Marching In To Seize Patents | The Daily Caller

This would empower Uncle Sam to capture and control patents that fully or partially were funded with federal research grants, if Washington bureaucrats disliked the market prices or rollout speeds of their ensuing technologies.

The ever-meddlesome Biden now wants new powers to reassign or simply nationalize patent licenses if his pests decide that these items are not marketed quickly or cheaply enough.

What this would do is both get people to drop federal grant applications (maybe not a bad thing) but also to possibly stop innovating and creating.

U.S. government is demanding details on your fertility, bathing habits, more | NC Renegades

The report said the Census Bureau “repeatedly sends field representatives to their homes at unannounced times to harass” people who don’t respond as the government demands.

Those reports document how government agents “remained outside … houses for hours while waiting for them to arrive home or come out, have walked around their homes, and have talked to minor children when parents were away.”

Last census I had the full thing; they were f*cking persistent.  Called multiple times, came by my house multiple times.  All but threatened me with massive fines if I didn’t comply.

Raconteur Report: Vote! Moar! Harder!

My prediction of what happens in 2024 is a re-do of 2020:

Biden “wins” again this time, improving on his 81M imaginary votes from 2020, with a final score of Biden 972%, and Trump 49%. Nothing to see here. Move along.



An actual election scares hell out of both parties, because they know who’d win that. Just like he did the last two times. They’re morons, but they’re not complete idiots.

I’m very much afraid he’s right.  And that’s assuming – as I am predicting – that “something” doesn’t happen to cause a *cough temporary cough* suspension of elections altogether.

American Policy Center | Immigration or Invasion? Cancelling the Greatest Culture in the World

The Peoples of the western world – not leadership / officials, but people – are waking up to this.

There it is – EU President Says Number One Challenge for Global Control Systems in Next Two Years is to Control Information and Speech – The Last Refuge (

Control the information flow, control what people believe.  Related:

Elections will soon be a quaint relec of the past, says globalist Klaus Schwab, who points to AI as the coming King of Democracy –

What the WEF Has in Store For You – HotAir

And related:

John Kerry Goes Full Davos Totalitarian: No Politician Can Reverse Climate Change Policy – PJ Media

The Left and Tribalism – American Thinker

Divide and conquer.  Highlight differences that sunder people who meet Reagan’s criterion.  Meanwhile, the Left moves and advances in total lockstep.

James Webb Telescope May Have Found Biological Life on Exoplanet | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

What a profound impact if this is true, and verifiable & replicatable – to the extent we can verify anything from this far away.  I wonder what they’ve found…




Palate Cleansers:



Deep topic, sometimes dry.



Yeah, feeling very cynical these last few days… though I’ve learned an awful lot from Mark Gungor’s videos on youtube.

Mark Gungor Laugh your Way to Better Marriage Part 1 (

In one part of the intro, he says that if you ask a woman to describe the perfect man, she’ll describe another woman.





And don’t forget… come back Monday for another edition.  Same Meme Time.  Same Meme channel.

Please do consider buying me a coffee.

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