They Didn’t Die of COVID They Died of Negligence and Medical Malfeasance - Granite Grok

They Didn’t Die of COVID They Died of Negligence and Medical Malfeasance

The CDC’s COVID treatment protocol was simple. Refuse treatment until they have severe flu, use drugs that don’t work, ventilate them, lock their families out, and let us know when they die. We’ll send you a check. That’s not a conspiracy theory.

It is a well-documented fact, though – early on – daring to suggest what was obvious was blasphemous. Many said it anyway. Not enough; they kept at it for quite some time. We know this, but when the COVID bugbear (the politics, not the virus) raises its head, it helps to be reminded.

Today’s clip came with very little detail, but I was able to chase it down. The nurse’s name is (I found it hard to hear in the first video) Nicole Sirotec. The “hearing” is a round table in DC with Senator Ron Johnson where medical experts discuss the pandemic response. Nicole is a founder of American Frontline Nurses and has an extensive video archive, including a viral clip of a nurse crying about how her patients are being murdered.

The 2-minute + clip is powerful, but I went looking and found just over 8 minutes of testimony from Nicole, which I’ve included below.



Here is the entire 8-plus minutes unedited – published in January 2022 in which we learn that if doctors or hospitals reported a condition as a vaccine injury, they didn’t get reimbursed. Negligence and malfeasance are putting it lightly.

