Slippery Meet Slope: Hawaii Reduces Waiting Period for 'Assisted' Suicide to Five Days or Less - Granite Grok

Slippery Meet Slope: Hawaii Reduces Waiting Period for ‘Assisted’ Suicide to Five Days or Less


Government-managed demise has a long and storied history to which we’ve recently added the idea of chemically assisted suicide. What was once cruel and unusual punishment for capital criminals is compassion and care for people who are a burden to the system.

And Hawaii has just changed its law to allow for a quicker death.


Under previous law, individuals seeking to end their lives had to make two oral requests to their physician for a lethal prescription 20 days apart. Bioethics news service BioEdge reports that the state’s Democrat Gov. Josh Green, who is a retired oncologist, signed a law reducing that period by 75%, to just five days. The new law also lets doctors waive that period entirely if a patient is terminally ill and expected to die sooner than five days.


If I read this correctly, under the correct circumstances, your doctor – the one who probably could not prescribe affordable Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, can order a chemically induced suicide to hasten a human departure at a cost of up to $20,000.00 even if you are likely to die in less than five days without his suicide assisting intervention.

I guess we’ve abandoned the argument against allowing people to “do themselves in” because of the cost. A round of 9mm ammunition runs under 0.30 cents. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a section of pool hose and a tank of gas. Or you could get to know the Clintons, and they might end your life at no cost to you.

I’m joking, sort of, but there are a lot of problems, not the least of which is incentivizing pharmaceutical death to the benefit of pharmaceutical companies. While politicians call for Medically assisted death to be covered in full by the taxpayer (you) or private insurance, the cost of the cocktail – typically, a self-administered overdose of barbituates – has skyrocketed.

As the practice becomes more politically popular on the Left, the price to execute has risen.

It is a death that is not necessarily pleasant or painless, and Hawaii just made it easier for them to make more money on people who would die on their own or who might not die were they not counseled that it was for the best by a public health industry in bed with political tyrants beholden to big pharma.



HT | LifeSite News
