Pandemic of the Vaccintated - Granite Grok

Pandemic of the Vaccintated

Elderly grandparent old person original Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

Anyone who breathes a word about public health, regardless of occupation or position, must step back from the approved narratives and take a serious look at who among us is most likely to spread COVID this winter. You know, to save grandma!

Related: Why Did The NH Hospital Association Stop Tracking The Vaccine Status of COVID Patients?

That’s been the mantra for almost three years. Community transmission, public good, take one for the team, safe and effective! Get your “vaccination” to protect the vulnerable, you selfish bastards.

That’s been flipped on its head and we’ve reported on it more times than I can count. So, what if Walgreens, a member, and benefactor of the largess of the Public Health Industrial Complex, just happened to have a pile of data about positive COVID tests and vaccine status collected from their 8000+ locations?

They did, they do, and it’s not pretty for the COVIDIOTS because if you care about grandma or the community, the vaccinated need a passport so we can tell who is most likely to catch it or infect others.


According to recent data from over 8,000 Walgreens stores in the United States, the unvaccinated have the lowest incidence of COVID-19, and vaccinated people are more likely to test positive. … Last May, Walgreens released the data from April 30 to May 6, 2022. It showed that unvaccinated have the lowest positivity rate for COVID — triple and double-vaxxed groups have the worst rate.


Gateway Pundit has lots of charted data at that link if you like that sort of thing or feel the need to wave in the faces of the Truth-Hesitant Karens clinging to their masks and distancing (no offense to non-Karen “Karens.”) It’s an impressive display of opposite day every day forever.

We were told to get the shot to return to normal and protect those around us. Surprise! The Jabbed are all Typhoid marys, or I guess we could truly say COVID Karens, while the unvaxxed are a mere fraction of the total testing positive.

Remember when testing positive was the Gold Standard? Remember when vaccine status was the Gold standard? The olde days but at this point what difference does it make?

Take this report form Vermont. Cases are up as are hospitalizations and deaths.


Vermont’s statewide Covid-19 levels hit “medium” last week, the state Department of Health reported Wednesday, marking the first time the state has been above “low” levels since June.

According to the department’s weekly surveillance report, the higher rating was based on the number of hospital admissions for the disease, which rose to 73, or 11.7 per 100,000 people, in the past week. That’s the highest rate of hospital admissions reported since mid-May. A rate exceeding 10 hospital admissions per 100,000 people triggers the department’s “medium” designation.

Similarly, the number of people currently in the hospital with Covid reached 66 on Wednesday, the most Covid patients the state has reported since May. That includes six intensive care patients, about in line with recent weeks.


There are lots of charts and graphs and words but not one of them is “vaccinated,” probably because the satet department of health’s recommendation give this change to “Defcon Medium” is to get the new bivalent booster.


​​The department said that a seasonal increase in Covid is not unexpected, while urging people to get the Covid bivalent booster, which targets the Omicron strain of the virus currently dominating the state.

“Freely available bivalent booster vaccines are effective at protecting people from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and dying,” the department said on its website along with the report.


The bivalent booster that never had human test trials and is emergency use authorized by the FDA. I’m sure it’s safe and effective as the previous mRNA”vaccines.” Do it for grandma even though it will probably make you no less infections or contagious, just like its predecessors.

Just don’t tell anyone.


