New Hampshire's Ten New Health Freedom Laws Summarized - Granite Grok

New Hampshire’s Ten New Health Freedom Laws Summarized


We’ve provided pre and post-bill-to-law coverage on most if not every health freedom bill in this list, but I do not believe we’ve provided them all in one place. That seems like a good idea, and we’d like to thank someone else for doing that for us so we could share it here.

It was sent to me from the FLCCC, but our good friends at RebuildNH created the original list.

Note that many groups were involved in advancing health freedom in the Granite State this session, from bill language to contacting legislators to amendments (not always the ones we wanted) needed to keep bills alive.

A total of fifteen health freedom bills made it to Governor Sununu’s desk. That’s quite an accomplishment given that the State Senate traditionally runs interference for him, and democrats opposed every bill along the way. So, thanks to citizens and activists who reached out to support these fledgling efforts and never gave up even after they got them across the finish line.

We are not done. There’s still work to do, beginning with ensuring we have a veto-proof majority in the next session.

So here is the list.


  • HB 1466 allows medical practitioners to prescribe medicines for reasons other than their indication and would prohibit the state from punishing pharmacists for filling such prescriptions.
  • HB 1495 prohibits the state from requiring businesses to require vaccine or documentation related to vaccination or immunity status.
  • HB 1439 allows a designated family member to be present with a patient in a medical facility to serve as a patient advocate.
  • HB 1003 prohibits health care providers from refusing to provide care or services based on patient vaccination status.
  • HB 1488 prohibits schools, child care agencies, and government health agencies from discriminating against any person who is not included in the state’s immunization registry.
  • HB 1608 requires the state to inform citizens of their right to withdraw their COVID vaccination status from the state’s vaccine registry.
  • HB 1606 gives patients the choice to participate in the state’s vaccine registry.
  • HB 1280 prohibits a parent’s refusal to vaccinate a child from being used as evidence in any proceeding to terminate parental rights.
  • HB 1604 requires state hospitals and medical facilities to grant religious and medical exemptions from vaccination requirements.
  • HB 1455 prohibits state enforcement of any federal law, order, or rule that requires an individual to either provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 or test for the virus more than once per month to keep their job or participate in any other activity.



RebuildNH | FLCCC
