Do You Own a Ka-Bar Tactical Spork? - Granite Grok

Do You Own a Ka-Bar Tactical Spork?

Ka-Bar Tactical Spork

This might tip our liberal friends off the deep end. A spork that’s also a knife. It’s a scary black color. And the description has the word tactical in it. Designed for fishing and camping, it is “Food and detergent safe, (and is) perfectly designed to be an advanced compliance tool. You could eat with it also helpful in self-defense.”


The way a black tactical number 2 pencil is good for self-defense?

More or less. But it is cute and practical. It probably saves space when you go camping and comes in handy when the plastic flatware in the office won’t get the job done.

Here’s a question.

Can you buy these in the UK where knives are naughty?

| Instapundit
