Mark Steyn: The Disappearing Dollar - Granite Grok

Mark Steyn: The Disappearing Dollar

Over at National Review Online, our NH neighbor Mark Steyn skewers the actions of our ruling class with respect to the deficit, and the implications for the US Dollar as global reserve currency (bleak):


He concludes the article with: "In the absence of responsible American leadership, the most important decisions about your future will be made by foreigners for whom fatuous jingles about “shared values” have less resonance. If you don’t want the certainty of a poorer, more decrepit, more diseased, more violent America, you need to demand your politicians act now — or there won’t be a 2023."

If you’re not familiar with the work of this great (imported) American, it’s time to start – he is an outspoken advocate for limited constitutional government and personal liberty, and has been castigating DC for spending beyond our means for quite some time. Click above and enjoy a little humor with the stark realism.

The Disappearing Dollar
Mark Steyn Archive at NRO
