Good ‘ole Justice Souter. He’s just sticking it to liberty and the Constitution right to the bitter end. He couldn’t retire, say, 200 days ago. Oh no– he does it right at the start of the reign of Obama.
"What’s so bad about that, Doug? Obama won. He SHOULD get a crack at this." Of course he does. And we will see the beginning of the manifestation of the worst of the dire warnings raised against the now-president back during the campaign: the Supreme Court and what its makeup could do to this Nation.
We now know that Obama is into redistribution of wealth and the delivery of paybacks bigtime. Consider that indisputable fact against the backdrop of what the Atlantic says about his attitude towards that Court:
"the single most important qualification his appointments must possess is empathy for those who are less fortunate."
One of the names being bandied about as possible picks to replace Souter is none other than Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick. On that, I just got an email from our friend Jean:
Hey Guys!
Did you hear the news today? One of Obama’s picks for the Supreme Court is DEVAL PATRICK!!! Yikes! Have you seen what this man is doing to the state of Massachusetts? HOLY CRAP!
Indeed. Don’t say we weren’t warned. In an interview with RightWingNews, Mark Levin said it took us
80 years to get to where we are today and it’s going to take us 80 years to contain it and start to unravel it.
Hang on…
[H/T pic]