Guest Blog Post by Jennifer Horn. Murtha, Marines, and Haditha…

Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word

“Sorry seems to be the hardest word…”  Elton John was singing about lovers, but today Rep. John Murtha could take a lesson from the ballad.

 As of right now 7 of the 8 Marines facing charges in the Haditha incident have been cleared.  One was tried and found to be not guilty and the other six have been completely cleared, charges dropped.

 These are the same Marines to whom Murtha referred in these words: “Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood."

 An elected representative of the people, with no knowledge of the circumstances, publicly denounced the protectors of our freedom as cold-blooded murderers.

 He was wrong.

 He should apologize.

 And where, by the way, is NH Rep. Paul Hodes as these brave Marines are cleared of any wrong doing?  Is he fighting to bring a full service Veterans Hospital to New Hampshire?  Is he fighting for expanded benefits and easier access to healthcare for veterans and active duty military?

 Since taking office Rep. Hodes has disrespected the Moms of Fury, he has denounced General Petraeus without even listening to his testimony, he has voted against funding our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, including soldier pay, armored vehicles, weapons and military health programs, and he used a tax-payer funded trip to Iraq as a campaign photo-op and an opportunity to once again disparage the efforts and progress of our troops.

 John Murtha was wrong.  So is Paul Hodes.  They should both apologize to the men and women who have fought and died to protect and defend our freedom and to their families as well.

 Then they should fall to their knees and thank God above for the service and sacrifice of every member of the United Sates military – and hope like hell that Marines don’t hold grudges.

Jennifer Horn is a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for NH’s Second Congressional District seat. Visit her website at 


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