Wreaths Across America– NH does its part!

wreaths in NH
Sue Peterson, one of the amazing people that helped organize NH’s particpation in the Wreaths Across America project, sent this note on Saturday’s inspiring event in Boscawen, NH:
There was a total of about 1500 wreaths that were place on each gravesite today.  It was an amazing day watching over 200 volunteers tie red ribbons on the wreaths, load trucks, and place them on the headstones of our Veterarns.  Please click here and here for more pictures…. I am still overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and support for our Gold Star Families, Veterans, and the respect for each of our fallen heroes…May God bless ya’ll richly…
This is a video of the delivery, preparation, and placement of the wreaths. Imagine the solace it must bring the loved ones of those buried in our veteran’s cemetary to know that so many people are willing to see to it that those who serve are not forgotten…
NH wreaths.NH wreaths


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