Regarding the story coming from the Politico about Republican NY Rep. Peter King, I’m glad to hear from somebody with a bully pulpit that truly gets it when it comes to the new world war in which we find ourselves enmeshed. It might not be pretty. In fact, what he espouses sounds harsh at the first hearing, but, when you consider all of the facts as they are known, Rep. King is right. The radicalism that we are at war with starts and finds its seedbed in mosques. While the President and his mouthpieces are unable to say it, we are at war with ISLAMIC fundamentalists. As he says in the video,
I see the main threat as coming from people that want to kill us.
Exactly. When you watch the vid, consider some points: What about the so-called "home-grown" terrorist wannabees discovered within our midst? Isn’t there always some connection, some sort of a conduit provided that goes straight back to the source somewhere in the "Arab World"? How many stories have we heard on the TV about the videos and pamphlets found in mosques right here in the US? Over a year ago, I wrote in this post,
The new world war that we find ourselves fighting is against a radical fascist ideology, much like Nazism- only worse. The Germans found their wellspring of support generated from hyper-nationalism and racism, fueled by a charismatic leader. Today’s enemy, the so-called “Islamo- fascists,” have added a final and nearly unstoppable feature to the totalitarian mix: religious fervor. Can you imagine the thought of a Hitler Youth Summer camp somewhere in Manchester (NH) circa 1943-44? Such a notion sounds utterly ridiculous, right?
Thank you Peter King, for having the courage to openly say what so many cannot! Oh, and if you think what Mr. King says about the lack of cooperation on the part of the Islamic community here in the US isn’t accurate, then read this…